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Date sent: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 08:06:06 -0700
From: "Chandru Narayan" <>
Subject: Justice Verma's interview by Amberish Diwanji

A great job done by Amberish. We were thinking what happens to judges after they retire? It would have been nice to hear his views on Bihar, Laloo and Rabri. The poor, whose vote really counts in any election, have not opted out of electing corrupt persons. As long as it remains like that, the educated man's voice will not be heard.

Date sent: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 18:33:49 -0700
From: <>
Subject: Bollywood stars poaching

As an animal lover, I was outraged to hear about Bollywood stars poaching in Jodhpur. Moreover, Salman Khan's hypocrisy is impossible to take. He deserves full six years in prison and I hope he gets it. The others deserve at least a month's imprisonment. It's amazing to believe the cruelty that lurks behind those pretty faces...

Date sent: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 12:21:24 -0400
From: Navin Markandeya <>
Subject: Free power for farmers: No!

Why should Maharashtrians working in a non-agriculture field, pay for power for farmers. This is yet another act of wooing a section of society. How about '1 kilogram of free onions' for each Maharashtrian working in the non-agriculture sector? How about 24 hour water and electric supply for all? How about 'no corruption?'

I respect the Sena chief. But sometimes he can't keep away from making public statements to remain in the limelight. Does he hold any state government position/authority to allocate 'free power.' Is he giving some of his personal money?

Navin Markandeya

Date sent: Mon, 17 Oct 1998 21:05:39 +0530
From: "Anup Industries Ltd." <>
Subject: Report on Harappa and Aryans

Very interesting for people who are interested in archaeology. I wasn't fortunate enough to have formally studied it. Is it possible to get more details?

G Nanavaty

Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 23:26:16 -0700 (PDT) From: Venkat Narayana <>
Subject: Tata Airlines

The decision of the Tatas to withdraw from the airline project indicates the death of the 'romantic era' of entrepreneurs and the coming-to-stay of 'realpolitik' entrepreneurs. The Tatas, despite their standing and credibility in the community, have not been able to get clearance from governments of all hues. Does it mean that democracy is dead in matters concerning the people at large? Is democracy only meant for the mandir/ Mandal/ masjid issues which may develop a sense of identity for certain people and raise the consciousness of people at large about the diversity of India, but can we go beyond posturing? When will the Indian government get down to dealing with issues which concern people?


Date: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 22:48:38 -0400
From: "dinkar v. rao" <>
Subject: Airport

Bureaucrats are as dangerous and detrimental to India's well being as China and Pakistan are. Either their positions should be eliminated or they should be paid when they create jobs in the private sector.

Date sent: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 12:40:22 -0400
From: Arvind Narayanaswamy <arvindn@UDel.Edu>
Subject: Kamal Karlepalem's article

In his article, Kamal mentions that Azhar and SRT are the primary run-getters for the Indian team. And he is talking exclusively about non Subcontinent tours. I just happened to check the scores made by Azhar against Australia from 1991-1992 to date. I think it comes to 588 runs in 34 innings!!! And most often he is along with Maninder Singh, Raju and Prasad in the averages table. Make no mistake, I did not check the bowling averages.

How does that guy survive in the team even now?? I mean, should he not be on the chopping block?? Do we need such a lucky captain to bring about a few victories?? The Test player Azhar is long dead...


Date sent: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 16:06:11 -0400
From: <>
Subject: Comment

"Profit and loss" by Kamal Karlepalem is a very good analysis of the Indian cricket over the past few decades, backed by sound statistics. This article should be sent to the so-called pundits of Indian cricket, so that they can get a feel of what's going on out there, and how Test cricket is being dealt with.

Sudip Shrestha

Date sent: Sat, 17 Oct 1998 00:01:27 -0500
From: "shaw" <>
Subject: I loved reading this one

This one is after almost a year. I read your article about Azhar's comments after India's defeat against Zimbabwe. It was a great column. I am an ardent lover of the game. I follow this beautiful game by reading columns on the web. It's been some time since I got to watch cricket, but from what I have been following, it is easy to conclude that Mongia is not Test opener material.

For that matter Azhar cannot be relied on in Test matches either. His performances against genuine fast bowlers is really miserable. His comments about poor opening was a typical district-level comment. If the openers fail, then the middle order should patch it up. If one has not understood this simple formula then it is pitiable.

I agree with you that it high time that our Board does some thinking about the opening slot. At present to my knowledge the only Test class batsmen in the Indian team are Dravid, Tendulkar and Ganguly. All the others are basking at their expense, including the captain.

Anyway, with good work being done by columns like yours and others, I guess our country should get back to the reckoning in a short while. A good organisation needs a leader who does not pass the buck on to others. Cricket is no different than an organisation.

Keep it up.


Date sent: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 12:11:14 +0530
From: Pradeep Kamat <>
Subject: Salman arrested

The feature is really good. Can you dig out the back stage arrangements/ transactions that take place to dilute the case?


Date sent: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 23:55:30 +0000
From: "Jay Patel" <>
Subject: Salman arrested

With all the political clout that any wildlife organisation in India has, Salman and his 'darling' friends should be given the severest punishment available under the law for their offence.

It is not that they did not know the issues regarding wildlife conservation -- but were blindfolded by ignorance -- nay absolute arrogance for the laws which the common Indian citizen has to live with -- which by all accounts the Bollywood fraternity do not.

Salman and his gang are overpaid, overdressed and overbearing. They represent the glamour of the rich and famous who yearn all things Western. If it was not for the lack of their acting skills -- they would have skipped India a long time back. As for those little bumps on his arms -- muscles? Uh, not much to impress about, is there??

What makes these film stars believe that they are ordained to do what pleases them? It is just the tip of the iceberg how Bollywood and its new darling babes see themselves. However, their action shows what a bunch of small-minded, vain, steroid-pumped people they really are!

Jay Patel
Luton, UK

Date sent: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 13:16:20 -0700
From: Iqbal Hassan <>
Subject: Salman arrested

They should be left free! They mustn't be knowing the consequences of this act. Now they have already learnt a lesson from this and I think they will not repeat it in the future.

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