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Date sent: Sun, 11 Oct 1998 09:36:50 +0530
From: Vinay Kumar Wadhawan <>
Subject: Sushma Swaraj as chief minister

This is the best decision taken by the BJP. She is an articulate person, who will prove to be an effective CM. Delhi really needed a dynamic person to control the chaotic state of affairs, where nothing seems to be moving in the right direction. Our best wishes are with her and let us hope she will do something concrete for Delhi, one of the most polluted cities of the world.

V K Wadhawan

Date sent: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 23:24:44 -0400
From: Tarun Seam <>
Subject: Rushdie and India

I have little respect for the likes of Salman Rushdie who are elevated to a high pedestal in the West because these intellectuals express a cynical view of India and other traditional societies which very much meets the tastes and preconceived notions of the westerners. Rushdie may be insensitive and acerbic in his writings on India and Islam, but, nevertheless, he is fully entitled to free speech. He should not have been barred from traveling or speaking in India. The Indian government, forever pandering to the Muslim sentiments, could not help but put blatantly unfair travel and speech restrictions on a man who, although characteristically insensitive, was merely exercising his human rights. Why should the government even bother to make an issue out of Rushdie?

Date sent: Fri, 09 Oct 1998 11:28:31 +1000
From: Wang Jiang <>
Subject: Women are the key to success

A P J Kalam is right. In many instances they analyse situations better than men. In fact gender equality at work places in Australia has increased productivity.


Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 20:26:19 -0700
From: "Yajaman Bhushan" <>
Subject: Demise of the Tata airline proposal

Yes, as you have rightly pointed out what signals will this send investors outside India? Does anyone care? Who are these 'vested interests' whom so many people in the know are referring to? When it is hard to generate employment every effort should have been made to support such ventures. Alas what is seen is obstruction to such efforts at all levels to the point of frustration of promoters.

It is difficult to understand how the Tata airline project would have been against national interest. What is the hidden agenda in the project and whose hidden agenda is it? A sad day for the Indian industry and economy as a whole.

A disappointed Indian

Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 09:33:29 -0700
From: "Sankar Srinivasan" <>
Subject: Smirnoff ad

I don't think any other country will keep quiet if something like this happens. This is a disgrace for our country. We should take all measures to make the company feel this. I don't know what our political leaders are doing. They are very busy handling their own party problems. This is all happening because India is still not united as it should be. There are lots of barriers. If something like this happened in any Islamic country, the company and the agency would have had a tough time. They would have issued a fatwa. We definitely want that to happen. We are still quiet about matters concerning us. I think we are right in announcing to the world that we are a nuclear power. We should take such bold actions.


Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 13:34:50 +0800
From: "D. Hemanth Kumar" <>
Subject: Business School in Hyderabad

I think J H Patel is plain jealous. He has no clue about management and absolutely has no idea how to run a state. It is best he limits himself to working within the confines of his local political arena. I cannot help but feel that we have to blame ourselves for electing such people to positions of power.

Hemanth Kumar

Date sent: Wed, 25 Feb 1998 18:29:59 +0530
From: "Udayan Joshi" <>
Subject: As usual ...

If you remember when you had first released the story about the new ISP policy, I had written to you and my words were "I only hope that they mean it", sadly and unfortunately it is not so and we shall continue to suffer. I can help but wonder what bad karma landed me in India in the first place. God save India and Indians is all that I feel is left to say.

Udayan Joshi

Date sent: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 23:25:34 EST
From: <>
Subject: Voting machines ...

This is yet another tale of politics ruining the progress of a great nation. I wonder how long will the people of India see politicians sucking this country. I wonder what has kept the government from implementing these machines which would give a chance for fair elections and save the tax payers money.

Rediff has done a good job of informing people about the political weakness of the government. A better job can be done if a massive public protest can be organised against the government or whosoever in power if any such plans are not carried out. People of India shouldrealise that they are in power and not the politicians. Politicians should be taught a lesson that their careers are finished if they play around with the country's resources and people.

Remember, it can be done effectively by the media and its revolution. It should start, it is contagious and people will follow. Mass awareness and protests are the hallmark of democracy and India better do it soon before politicians eat up everything left over by the Britishers.

Samir Parmar

Date sent: Sat, 7 Mar 1998 10:14:34 -0800
From: "dinkar v. rao" <>
Subject: Internet

The whole world is moving towards the Internet for business and information. Cut the bureaucracy and turf war, let enterprise bloom in this great country of ours.

Date sent: Tue, 6 Oct 1998 15:54:56 +0530
From: "S M Barodawala" <>
Subject: Kajol

Was just browsing and came across this interview. Really like Kajol and the characters she portrays. The impression I had of her is confirmed after reading this interview. I am not personally a star fan. I don't do things like going up and talking to a star, but I would like to meet Kajol. If those are her words, then she sounds nice, bubbly, spontaneous and well just fun!! I am 38!!


Date sent: Wed, 07 Oct 1998 18:35:35 -0400
From: vipul gupta <>
Subject: The fab four

I am very glad for the opportunity to write to you about this show. I could go on with a saga about my struggles with this show, but I'll be brief.

I am currently working with Disney on a project to promote India during their year 2000 Millennium celebrations. I spent countless hours trying to get just 5 minutes to talk with the stars when they were in Michigan (or even over the phone) about their feedback on the vision to promote positive entertaining aspects of India to the mainstream audience. This is because I know that there are unexplored opportunities to get Indian music/entertainment out via the media etc.

I tried to deal with Vinod Goel (Detroit promoter), Monty Hudda (Atlanta promoter), and Patel Bros. (headquartered in Chicago and promoter there) primarily. The level of customer service of all of these parties was just amazing. I thought they would have the same vision as me and will help in promoting India.

I wish you could help me or even just consider the vision of pushing India more. We can create many Macarenas and Irish Riverdances if we wish to. Fortunately, there are kind people like the president of the Asian American Hotel Owners Association and the national promoter of Hema Malini's show who are helpful and working with me. But I still want to talk with the talents themselves (or have someone do this) to see if they will use their leverage to spotlight Bharat Mata. Amitabh Bachchan and his ABCL especially worked with Turner and others before. If only, he would think about proactively utilising the potential here.

Please send me an e-mail or give me a call at (517) 353-3607 with your feedback. I have many exciting things I am working on, and trust me any profit to be derived (while nice if an opportunity occurs) is not at all a driving force. I, as an entreprenurial marketer, just recognise opportunity and know that there is one for Indian entertainment. I am also waiting to talk with Lalit Modi and see what develops. Thanks so much.

Vipul Gupta

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