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Date sent: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 22:12:14 -0400 (EDT)
From: Deepak Aggarwal <>
Subject: Sadhus versus the Big Mac

I support everything on the VHP agenda except swadeshi -- opposing foreign companies like Mcdonalds. I believe this is futile because:

1. They generate local employment

2. Everybody employed is Indian.

3. It does not sell beef or pork burgers.

I earnestly urge all of you to pay a serious thought to divert your creative energy towards long term strategies like:

1. EDUCATION -- Why are so many Hindus getting converted to Christianity today? One of the many reasons, besides aggressive work of Christian missionaries is that they have quality primary schools. Even I went to a Christian school. Start focusing your energy over there. We can follow the model of Jewish schools or Muslim madrassas, and teach the Vedas, Ramayana and Mahabharata along with Science and Mathematics to our children. If you can do it, believe me, I'll send my kids to your school.

2. SOCIAL JUSTICE -- You are doing a nice job. As far as Muslims are concerned, target the inhumane Islamic ideology against non-Muslims BUT NOT the Muslim people. REMEMBER, most of them were Hindus earlier.

In the end, I'd like to reiterate that defeating the fundamentalist and dogmatic Christian missionaries should be one of the top priorities NOT through slogan shouting, BUT using their own weapon, DIPLOMACY (according to me, another word for DECEIT) and PROVIDING better schools than Christian schools.

Jai Hind.

Deepak Aggarwal

Date sent: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 17:04:41 +0530
From: "N. Sivaramakrishnan" <>
Subject: VHP and McDonalds

I just wanted to express my humble opinion on the VHP and McDonalds. Now why not let the public decide what they wish? If they like McD it'll stay. If the VHP really wish to clean up the culture, let them do it from within -- let's take Hindi movies for example. I've not heard of them protesting against them. Anyway, the percentage of population going to be "affected" by the McDonald phenomenon will be quite negligible. I personally feel the VHP is doing this only to get publicity. This is like an ad campaign for the VHP. I feel the resources used for such agitations can be used to open educational institutions through which they can spread their ideology -- no one can have a problem with that.  

Also, I feel by making such statements they are alienating many people. Though such extreme announcements may bring in immediate recognition it is going to be detrimental to the organisation's growth. The purpose of this e-mail is not to hurt anybody's sentiments, but just an individual opinion and I'm sure there are more people who think the same way.  


Date sent: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 09:49:23 -0700
From: "Ankur Agrawal" <>
Subject: Good

It was a good one. I've always supported the BJP, but people like Ajit Mata make me laugh with their ignorance and fear. I think all he needs is some media attention which he doesn't deserve!

Anyway, good report.

Date sent: Tue, 01 Jan 1980 14:57:02 -0500
From: Rao Yerramilli <>
Subject: The Great Dane

Excellent interview. Kudos to A K Diwanji. If only India realised, "people, people. It's the people who make a country great, not government."

Rao Yerramilli

Date sent: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 20:25:52 -0500
From: Henry Herr <>
Subject: The Great Dane

I was reading your interview with Mr Larsen of Larsen and Toubro. I personally feel it was an excellent story. Quite frankly, I had no idea that the company was basically an Indian company and not started by an MNC.

Amit Kumar

Date sent: Thu, 16 Apr 1998 14:06:44 -0500
From: Sharmishtha Roy Chowdhury <>
Subject: Mahesh Nair and the plight of North India

One wonders why West Bengal and Kerala are always being told to get rid of their Communist governments. It seems, going by Mahesh Nair's figures, that these two states are way ahead of their more capitalist cousins in the north. Wonder who should be teaching whom? Date sent: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 05:00:13 -0400
From: "Sanjay Narayanan" <>
Subject: North Indian states lagging ...

Kudos! The tone of the column was just right. Competition. Strong, competition is what is needed between the states. Pitting the states against one another would bring out the best and progressive part of the people and governments. Along with decentralisation and privatisation, competition between states could lead to a much larger economic growth in a few decades.

Only if there were some way of converting education into an industry. Only if we could get companies to compete with each other in educating the masses!! Only if the energy of private enterprise could be harnessed to educate the 400 million illiterates!!


Date sent: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 05:00:13 -0400
From: "Biren Shah" <>
Subject: C K Prahalad's article

The article that you published is the best. I have also read Mukesh Ambani's article, he talks about India trying to become a superpower and compete against the West. Good idea and good mission, as an NRI I have seen both worlds as I have been born, brought up and educated in India. However, India's deep rooted problems are corruption, no law and order and population. If this can be controlled and later eradicated, I think this dream can be fulfilled.

Date sent: Sat, 04 Apr 1998 17:12:50 +0000
From: "Glenn A. Tovar Dias" <>
Subject: Message for the future

Excellent commentary by C K Prahalad. Such reviews and debates are very much appreciated. Thank you and keep up the good work.


Date sent: Sat, 11 Apr 1998 10:33:40 -0700
From: Kartik Ariyur <>
Subject: Dilip Thakore column

The article is extremely sagacious. It offers sound outlines of a common sense-based agriculture policy sure to succeed.

Kartik B Ariyur

Date sent: Sat, 11 Apr 1998 21:35:15 +0530
Subject: Mukesh Ambani

Mukesh Ambani has some dreams which are relevant.  


Date sent: 09 Apr 98 15:54:45 -0500
From: Kishore Bagri <>
Subject: Mukesh Ambani

This is an excellent article, it's the right thing if Indians do and concentrate. Then we will become a powerful and great country.

Date sent: Sat, 11 Apr 1998 17:36:41 +1000
From: "Grama Seetharam" <>
Subject: Tarun Das

Tarun Das is fantastic. As an Indian I am proud of him.

Dr G N Seetharam


Date sent: Mon, 06 Apr 1998 16:09:17 PDT
From: "Inderjeet Saroya" <>
Subject: Supreme court judgement -- Permanent employees cannot be sacked

Isn't this the one important reason why our government organisations have such poor efficiency and productivity. A very disappointing judgement. A common citizen like me cannot understand the logic behind this.

Such cases only encourage others into becoming individuals who only know their RIGHTS but never think about their DUTIES. Any relationship, including that of employee-employer, must be mutual. Is it not the duty of the employee to at least send a leave application if s/he is unable to attend work? Is it too much for the company to expect this?

Such people, instead of being rewarded by reinstatements, should be penalised for the financial damage done to the employer due to the legal suit.

The judges must have other factors for reaching the decision which a mere mortal does not understand. But I strongly feel that if we have to build this nation into anything worthwhile in today's world -- we need to get rid of irresponsible and inefficient people. Does anybody think a Shammi Bhan after reinstatement would 'work' productively in the company? Instead it is highly likely that she will be creating bad environment at work, thus causing more harm to the company.

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