Salman Khan has become the latest Bollywood celebrity to join the growing collection of celebrities at London's Madame Tussauds wax work museum.
Girish Rao caught up with the star's father, Salim Khan for his reaction.
Did you get to speak to Salman?
Yes, I spoke to him over the phone after the wax statue was unveiled. The event went off pretty well.
The event calls for a celebration.
I'm no different from any other father of this world. Parents feel happy when their children succeed in life. Obviously, I am very happy.
Did you foresee any particular attire for Salman?
I have not reached the stage where I advice Salman about his dressing. That said, I think his dressing sense looked pretty normal to me.
Do you plan to visit Madame Tussauds?
I can go and visit that place any time but that's not important for me. I saw his wax statue on television and that's sufficient for me. If I am in London, then I will surely go and see the statue.
Salman's photograph: Getty Images