When Chopra released Mazdoor, communism was still ruling in many parts of the world and workers were governing the factories. The film-maker came with the unforgettable song, Hum mehnat kasht is duniya se apna hissa mange ge, Ek baag nahi, ek phool nahi, Hum saari duniya mangenge.
The protagonist, Dilip Kumar, is a worker and union leader in a textile mill. He wants his workers to flourish and talks of bonus and workers rights. But the mill owners don't agree -- they feel he is asking for too much.
He is shown the door but goes on to start his own factory. However, the film takes a u-turn as later on all the characters get involved in family brawl.
This was another Chopra film that spoke about leftist ideology and basic issues like roti, kapda and makan for everyone.
Also Read: Five facts about Yash Chopra