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'If everyone did like me, I would have been confused'

Why was there this discrepancy between the public's reaction and the critics'?

The critics are there to do just that, to criticise and to find the things that maybe you don't have going for you, or that they don't think you're as good, or whatever it is. They're there to do that. They criticise. That comes with the territory. If you want to be in the limelight, you're going to have people who don't like you and who want to talk bad about you. I knew that not everyone would like me. And if everyone did, I would have been confused.

What else do you have planned on the trip?

I'm going to make time to see sights. I've never been to Mumbai, so I'm going to try to see temples, try to explore a little bit. But for the most part, it's a work-driven trip. Which is good, it's always fun to go to a different country for work.

When can we expect the album?

I don't have a date yet. I'm still working on it. But probably within the next year.

Any final words for your fans?

Thank you! I've said this before, but I feel like I can never say it enough because it's true. The fans are the ones who make you. So thank you so much, for everything you do. And for all your support, and I will do my best to pay you back for the things you've done for me.

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