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'I am not going to leave my country in this troubled hour'

Amitabh Bachchan

Amitabh Bachchan has been blogging regularly ever since terror struck Mumbai on November 26.

While he applauded the NSG soldiers for their contribution in wiping terror away, he claimed that he would not join light a candle to show solidarity.

'This is no time to demonstrate gesture. This is the time for me to listen to a leader that shall strongly assure me of what needs to be done and will do it! This is the time for each citizen of this country to act and behave in a dictated disciplined profile. This is the time for those that lead, to educate us all in a common curriculum bearing a common code of conduct. A code that shall bind us all as one collective strength. If the invader has been psychologically brain washed into believing that what he is doing to us is ordained through divine intervention, then let him face 1.2 billion brains that have been ordained in unison to 'teach' him how horribly wrong he is,' Bachchan explained.

And in his own way, he demonstrated his own solidarity towards the nation. 'I was to be in Hong Kong at the invitation of ex-President Bill Clinton to partake in his Clinton Global Initiative and speak on a topic that would elevate the conditions of our universe. I cancelled. I am not going to leave my country in this troubled hour to travel to a foreign land to lend cause to a foreign initiative, patronised and guided by a foreigner, for his benefit! I need to see initiative here in my country.'

Bachchan has also refused to be a part of the Life Earth concert, that was soon cancelled.

'I have also cancelled my participation in Live Earth, the Al Gore initiative which I was to participate in on the 6th and 7th of December. I am not going to sing and dance at a time when my country and city bleeds, even though the funds collected were for charity. They can keep their initiative to themselves,' he wrote.

Photograph: Andrew Yates/AFP/Getty Images

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