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'Terrorists are not Hindu or Muslim or Christian'

Aamir Khan

Aamir applauded the bravery of the Mumbai police as well, in his blog.

'My heartfelt condolences to the family of the brave officers of the Mumbai Police, who lost their lives leading from the front to take on these terrorists. Especially Hemant Karkare of the ATS, who in the recent past was being targeted by various political parties for the work that he was doing,' he wrote.

'When will these politicians realise and admit that terrorists have no religion? Terrorists are not Hindu or Muslim or Christian. They are not people of religion or God. They are people, who have gone totally sick in their head and have to be dealt with in that manner. Hemant Karkare is an example of a brave officer, who gave his life in the line of duty,' he continued.

Even as he praised the police force, Aamir, like every other Mumbaikar, seemed upset at the politicians, who seemed to use the tragedy to their benefit.

'I dread to think of how various political parties are now going to try and use this tragedy to further their political careers,' he wrote. 'At least now they should learn to not divide people and instead become responsible leaders.'

Also Read: Terror hits Bollywood in big way

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