The film marks the debut of Saif Ali Khan and ex-wife Amrita Singh's son, Ibrahim. What is he doing in the movie? That's a well-guarded secret. Interestingly, the chhote nawab has no qualms about either of his kids -- Ibrahim or Sarah opting for an acting career. It might be recalled Shah Rukh Khan's son, Aryan, too appeared for a brief role as SRK's younger avatar in Karan Johar's Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham.
* Known to be extremely selective about the scripts he chooses to do, Saif didn't exactly jump on hearing a narration of Tashan. In fact, he declined to get on board. Reading the script in its entirety, however, made the Omkara star change his mind. And that is how Jimmy Cliff came to existence.
* Tashan got its share of unplanned publicity after news of Saif and Kareena's romance while shooting for the film in Ladakh and the subsequent split with former beau, Shahid Kapur broke out. It was on the sets of Tashan that the paparazzi's favourite subject of the moment, developed feelings for each other. Initially though, this was perceived to be a promotional gimmick by the makers.
Also Read: Showcasing Tashan