Mumbai's Worli seaface wore a new face on April 16. Instead of the usual crowd of joggers and lovestruck couples, we saw Bollywood make its presence felt.
A film is being shot, keeping the beautiful sea in the background. Mumbai Chakachak: A Clean Love Story, starring Rahul Bose, Mandira Bedi, Ayesha Dharkar, Cyrus Broacha, Vinay Pathak and Suresh Menon, is a film about transforming Mumbai into a super clean city.
The scene being shot involves Rahul, Cyrus and Mandira. Hockey legend Mir Ranjan Negi, whom Chak De! India was inspired from, is also a part of the film. He plays a municipal commissioner.
This will be the first time that the Brihanmumbai Mahanagarpalika (also known as BMC, Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation) will join hands with Suniel Shetty's production house, Popcorn Motion Pictures Pvt Ltd, to make a film together. In fact, the film would not have been possible without the help of Mayor Dr Subha Raul and other BMC authorities.
Text: Nithya Ramani | Video & Photographs: Uday Kuckian