This Tamil film is a must-watch -- only for those youngsters who want to propose to their girlfriends under the cover of the darkness in the movie hall.
Rest assured, there will be no distraction from the onscreen proceedings. The whole film is senseless.
A non-resident girl Anu (Nethra) spurns a nerdy looking guy Karthick (Aaditya) and then suddenly decides to fall for him. No reasons offered, thank you.
And equally inexplicably, she allows herself to be sexually abused by her scheming beau. Then, she walks out -- the accident she suffers might have something to do with it, but you can't be sure, the plot os so vague -- to choose a guy (Sreeman in a walk-in part) who appears out of nowhere.
In between all this -- for no apparent reason, again -- there is the heroine's father (Bhaanuchander) strutting around absentmindedly. He must have the asked the cast and the directors Newton and Haricharan a trillion times during the shooting just why he was in the film.
Ripping the effort of newcomers is a thankless job. But it becomes even more painful when the performance of a decent actress Nethra (oh, those eyes!) and the work of the movie's ace cinematographer (Madhu Ambat) happen to be above average.
Aaditya is as expressive as a log of wood, and the songs fit into the scheme of things as snugly as round pegs in pentagonal holes.
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