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The National Anthem, Rahman style

Again -- you began as a musician, you did jingles, composed film music, did things for the stage, like Bombay Dreams and then Lord of the Rings, you did the Pray for Me Brother for the United Nations as part of the poverty-eradication drive... In all of this, do you have a roadmap, a sense of where you are going and why?

No, it just happens. You can have maybe some idea of where you want to go, but you can never have a timeline, because then it can get frustrating. It could be that there was something I wanted to do 20 years back, but it is only coming true now. So if, back then, I had given myself a timeline, then I would have been frustrated all those years, waiting for that to happen.

The thing with music is, you are in a space that is open on all sides; it is a universe in itself. You can go anywhere, in any direction -- and all those directions are worth exploring, all of them can be very rewarding. Where you go, where you want to go, only becomes apparent as you begin moving. So you cannot really make goals for yourself and timelines and all that -- for me, when it happens I let it happen, and as long as I am moving forward I am happy.

Also Read: Spotted: AR Rahman in Toronto
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