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Showbiz's golden couples

Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman

Together: since 1958

'Why settle for a hamburger when you have steak at home,' was 82-year-old Paul's famous comment to Empire magazine some years ago on why he remained staunchly faithful to his wife of 49 years -- the elegant, silver-haired Joanne Woodward.

Joanne has acted in 11 films with Paul. She has starred in five movies directed by Paul. She and Paul have three daughters and live in Westport, Connecticut.

Age has not taken away any of Paul's verve. Or dampened his bold approach to life. That apparently worries Joanne, especially since Paul has made racing his second career and holds a Guinness Book of Records title as the oldest person to win a race. Paul told AARP, "Joanne fell out of bed the other night and broke her collarbone. As she lay on the ground, I said to her, 'I'm not going to listen to any more complaining about my racing!'"

When asked by AARP on why his marriage has lasted he said: '(because of) of 'great impatience tempered by patience. When you have been together this long, sometimes you drive each other nuts, but underneath that is some core of affection and respect'.

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