The master of disguises is back, and this time he's old.
After playing Manno Bhabhi with drag-queen gusto, audiences now better get set to meet Dinu Kaka [Images]!
In this sequel to the Manno Bhabhi commercial, the focus remains on keeping Coca Cola in the house.
Aamir Khan [Images] plays both roles -- of the Indian housewife Manno, and the crotchety-but-loyal servant, Dinu Kaka.
The new ad, premiering across TV channels tonight, is about the interplay between the two. Written as a musical parody, the ad revolves around Manno Bhabhi convincing Dinu Kaka to keep the household well stocked with Coke.
We may have to wait to watch him in a film, but when it comes to television commercials, there's a different Aamir Khan everywhere!
Photograph Courtesy: Coca Cola India