Seven World Bank-sponsored projects, worth about Rs 22,426 crore (Rs 224.26 billion), are being implemented across the country to improve delivery in centrally-funded schemes and meet other objectives, the government said on Wednesday."The projects include National Rural Livelihoods Project (USD 982 million; about Rs 5,106 crore), PMGSY Rural Roads Project (USD 1,517 million; approx Rs 7,826 crore), Vocational Training India (USD 287 million; about Rs 1,492 crore) and Technical Engineering Education Quality Improvement II (USD 286 million; approx Rs 1,487 crore)," Minister of State for Personnel and Public Grievances V Narayanasamy told Lok Sabha in a written reply.
Besides, Secondary Education Project (USD 496 million; about Rs 2,579 crore), Third National HIV/AIDS Control (USD 261 million; approx Rs 1,357 crore) and National Vector Borne Disease Control and Polio Eradication (USD 496 million; about Rs 2,579 crore)
"The Central government has already introduced the Right of Citizens for Time Bound Delivery of Goods and Services and Redressal of their Grievances Bill, 2011 in the Lok Sabha which lays down an obligation upon every public authority to publish citizens charter stating therein the time within which specified goods shall be supplied and services be rendered," the minister said when asked about the steps taken to improve service delivery in the centrally sponsored schemes.
"The Bill also provides for a grievance redressal mechanism for non-compliance of citizens charter and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto," he said.
Image: World Bank Group President Robert B Zoellick