After launching India's first four-seater electric car on Monday, Mahindra Reva Electric Vehicles has plans to launch at least four to five variants of electric vehicles in next two-three years."Over the next two-three years, we are planning to have at least four to five new launches," said R Chandramouli, chief of operations, Mahindra Reva. One of these could include a four-door model as well.
The REVAi, developed by the Reva Electric Car Company promoted by Chetan Maini, now renamed as MREV after Mahindra and Mahindra (M&M) picked up a majority stake in the Bangalore-based company, has sold around 4,750 units since its launch in 2001.
With the e20, which will replace the REVAi, Mahindra aims to touch that figure in around a year's time. Chandramouli said, "Sales of the e2o
The target customer of the new e2o are those tech-savvy buyers who already own one car.
"Around 30 per cent of all the cars sold in India are bought by people who already own one car. We are targeting these people (most likely to be between 25-40 years of age), who are early adopters of technology and are 'change leaders' in their fields," Chandramouli explained.
While the owner can charge the vehicle at any 15-ampere plug point, MREV has already put in place around 100 charging points across Delhi and Bangalore, and plans to add more in other cities.
"Just as most of our mobile phones are charged at home or at work, this car would also be charged similarly, and lack of infrastructure would not be a deterring point to affect sales," he added.