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USIBC's Ron Somers honoured
November 13, 2008

USIBC's Ron SomersRon Somers, president of US-India Business Council received Kentucky Colonel on Tuesday. It is Kentucky's highest honour.

Somers presented a keynote address on 'A Case for Deeper U.S.-India Ties' to a rapt audience in Lexington, the State's second largest city.

Kentucky Colonel is an honorary title bestowed upon individuals in recognition of noteworthy accomplishments and outstanding service to a community, state or the nation. A list of Kentucky Colonels is a Who's Who of outstanding men and women around the world.

This tradition began in 1813 during the second term of Governor Isaac Shelby. Shelby had just returned from leading the Kentucky Militia on a highly successful 'War of 1812' campaign.

He named one of his officers, Charles Todd, as an 'Aid-De-Camp' on the Governor's staff with the rank and grade of Colonel.

Somers' appearance in Kentucky is particularly timely. The U.S. Department of Commerce reports that, although still a small part of the Commonwealth of Kentucky's overall export activity, Kentucky businesses are doing more business with India.

UPS, the giant transportation logistics firm with significant presence in India, joined by Toyota America, Kentucky's largest employer with operations in Bangalore, were the main sponsors for the Kentucky World Trade Day festivities.

Some of the more famous recipients include:

"It is my privilege and honour to share with compatriots across America about the opportunity that lies before us in engaging as equal partners with India - the world's largest free-market democracy.

"USIBC stands ready to support the Commonwealth of Kentucky's upcoming Trade Mission to India to ensure that US and Indian businesses become more closely connected - unlocking wealth and opportunity on both sides for the benefit of humanity," Somers said as he was inducted into the prestigious Kentucky Order. 

The US-India Business Council, formed in 1975 at the request of the Government of India and the US Government to deepen two-way trade and promote US-India commercial ties, is the premier business advocacy organisation representing 280 of the largest US companies investing in India, joined by two dozen of India's largest global companies.

USIBC is hosted under the aegis of the US Chamber of Commerce - the world's largest business federation representing more than 3 million businesses and organisations of every size, sector and region.

Image: Governor Martha Layne Collins, former Governor of Kentucky, joins Edwin Webb, President of the Kentucky World Trade Center, to present a commission of 'Kentucky Colonel' to Ron Somers, President of the U.S.-India Business Council

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