Folks travelling on the A380 in the economy class will not exactly be slumming it. This plane offers much more room for long legs that may prevent air travel-induced illnesses like deep vein thrombosis.
It is, no doubt, a spacious plane. In an economy-only configuration, it can accommodate 853 people.
Despite its ability to carry 35 per cent more passengers than its competitor, the A380 burns 12 per cent less fuel per seat - reducing operating costs and minimising its effects on the environment at the same time through fewer emissions.
The A380 burns fuel per passenger at a rate comparable to that of an economical family car.
Thanks to the incorporation of the latest advances in structures, materials, aerodynamics, systems and engine design, the A380 provides a direct operating cost per seat which is 15-20 per cent lower than the 747-400.
Image: The economy class interior. | Photograph: Roslan Rahman/AFP/Getty Images
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