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Liberal severance package, benefits

March 24, 2008
  • A liberal severance package for employees leaving service between 15 to 20 years of service.
  • Higher rates of pension for retirees and family pensioners on attaining the age of 80, 85, 90, 95 and 100 years.
  • Revision of the commutation table suggested for commutation of pension.
  • In case of government employees dying in harness, family pension to be paid at enhanced rates for a period of 10 years.
  • Framing of an appropriate insurance scheme suggested for meeting the OPD needs of pensioners in non-CGHS areas.
  • A new mechanism for grant of advances under which an employee will take the advance from an approved bank and the government will give an interest subsidy equal to two percentage points on the rate of interest being charged by the bank to the employee. Existing limits of various advances increased and provisions made for their automatic revision periodically.
  • Continuation of five-day week. Government offices to remain closed only on the three national holidays. All other gazetted holidays to be abolished and compensated by increasing the number of restricted holidays from two to eight days in a year.
  • Benefits like staggered working hours, special leave for child care, enhanced maternity leave of 180 days, better accommodation facilities in the form of working women's hostels, etc specifically for women employees.
  • Government employees with disabilities recommended various benefits like enhanced number of casual leave, special aids and appliances for facilitating office work, higher interest subsidy for automobile loans, liberal flexi hours, higher rate of transport allowance, better prosthetic aids and proper grievance redressal machinery. Extra allowance for disabled women employees to take care of young child till the time the child attains the age of two years.
  • Lateral movement of all Defence Forces personnel (both personnel below officer ranks and short service commission officers) at appropriate levels in Central Police Organisations/central Para military Forces as well as to the various posts of defence civilians in the ministry of defence.
  • Steps leading to improvement in the existing delivery mechanisms by more delegation, delaying and an emphasis on achieving quantifiable and concrete end results. Emphasis to be on outcomes rather than processes.
  • Greater emphasis on field offices/organizations at the cutting edge of delivery
  • Enhanced pay scales for nurses, teachers, constabulary and postmen with whom the common citizen has most frequent interaction. Forest guards also to get higher pay scale.
  • Better deal for training academies.
  • Normal replacement pay band, grade pay and allowances for the existing members of regulatory bodies. A revised method of selection with a higher pay package to those recruited through the revised process of selection in selected organisations.
  • All the recommendations to be treated as an organic whole as partial implementation will bring in several anomalies and inconsistencies.
  • The recommendations contained in the report to cost Rs 12,561 crore in the year 2008-09. Savings of Rs 4,586 crore likely to accrue on account of various measures suggested in the report. The net financial implications of the recommendations contained in the report estimated to be Rs 7,975 crore for the year 2008-09. an additional, one-time burden of Rs 18,060 crore on payment of arrears.

  • Image: Bank employees, representing a big chunk of India's middle and salaried class, protest in a one-day strike over privatisation and outsourcing last year. | Photograph: Photograph: Sebastian D'Souza/AFP/Getty Images
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