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India's top-earning artists

March 11, 2008
NRI artists' works sell like hot cakes

Certainly, Indian art has never had as many highs as in recent years, when works by contemporary artists like Atul Dodiya and Anju Dodiya have crossed or are hovering around Rs 1 crore (Rs 10 million).

"Indian art isn't about Chinese bamboos and Japanese cherry blossoms," a spokesperson of Bodhi Art had commented, ". . . it has depth and a limitless spectrum." And how correct he was.

This fact accounts for high price of works by NRI artists like Paris-based Sakti Burman. "I can pay up to Rs 550,000 for any recent work by Burman," said an art collector-cum-industrialist, who does not want to be named.

Based out of Kolkata, this collector often sets out on trips abroad just to enhance and enrich his collection.
Image: An Indian patua (painter-minstrel) from West Bengal gives final touches to a painting at a gallery in Bangalore. The ancient painters are unfolding new themes to keep the dying art form alive.

Photograph: STRDEL/AFP/Getty Images
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