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The top 10 email scams

August 28, 2008

4. Phished!

There's no doubt about the fact that technology can make life much easier. For example, instead of going to the bank, standing in a long queue and dealing with a bored clerk, or even going to an ATM to check your balance, transfer funds or pay bills, you can just as easily do it over the Internet.

It's convenient, and it saves time! But those Internet hackers, the ones who want to make money ripping you off, have such activities firmly in their radar. The result? One of the most widespread scams to have hit mail in-boxes in recent times.

You'll get a rather official looking, and a rather frightening, mail that tells you that you urgently need to verify your identity with the bank/ shopping site because your account has been hacked.

The implied threat is that your personal details could be misused and you could lose money.

If you click on the re-verification link they provide you, that's exactly what's going to happen. As you key in your login name and password, it is captured by a computer programme.

You innocently heave a sigh of relief, thanking the stars for the quick alert from your bank. But your troubles are just beginning. The hackers now know your login and password and can easily skim all your money from your account.

Remedy: Be suspicious! If in doubt, delete. If you think the email is legitimate, call the bank before divulging any details on the Net.

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