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The top 10 email scams

August 28, 2008

10. Instant cures? Naah!

This one is horrible, because it preys on your fear.

It will either outline a surefire cure for a deadly disease. Or it will tell you about how heating water in the microwave could lead to cancer. Or how talking on your cell phone when you are charging it will lead to the phone blasting into pieces in your hand. Or some such other stuff that sounds plausible, and possible, but is unfortunately not true. Like enhancing your manhood, or making you a better lover, etc. . .

Do not forward! It is just a blatant attempt to collect as many genuine email addresses as possible, so that they can then be used in other email scams!

Remedy: Destroy that mail.

NOTE: Never reply, even in anger, to any such email!

Sketches: Uttam Ghosh | Text: Rediff Business Desk

Also read: The top 10 email scams
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