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'Hillary, Obama, McCain all want more H-1B visas'

April 07, 2008

How optimistic are you given that the opposition adopted by some members of Congress, Representative Lamar Smith's bill on raising the cap on H1-B visas will make headway on Capitol Hill?

At this point it is difficult to know the ultimate fate of any immigration legislation in Congress. H-1B visas appear still to be tied up with action on other unrelated immigration matters. H-1B visas are less controversial than items in some other bills that may be under consideration, but at this point it's difficult to move one bill on immigration without someone also pushing for action on another immigration bill.

But the one thing that makes immigration policy interesting is that something surprising always happens, so we shall see.

Image: People wait in line to get their passport applications submitted at the United States passport agency. | Photograph: David Paul Morris/Getty Images

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