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'Premji's story is a very good story'

October 30, 2006
Apart from the popular perception what are the traits common to Gates and Premji?

Premji has a foundation and it is dedicated primarily towards improving public education. Now it does not have anything like the scale of the Gates Foundation which has Gates' own money plus now (Warren) Buffett's money. But I think there is a similar desire on the part of Premji to give back.

Gates has so much money and he very seriously wants to change the world with his money.

I think Premji also very seriously wants to change India with his money. Obviously, the poverty, the gap between the wealthy and the massive poor is a terrible thing in India and they are a threat to India's democracy and economy.

I think Premji is very sensitive to all these things. In addition, he knows that if he keeps growing, he needs better education for people.

So, he is the Bill Gates of India?

I have heard people describe him that way, but I do not know. But yes, he is a man of stature, although the two are not exactly the same. He is giving back to charities while continuing with his success.

Azim Premji (left) with a senior Wipro manager on the company's Bangalore campus.

Photograph: Indranil Mukherjee/AFP/Getty Images
Also read: Premji on creating a world-class firm

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