'Both, business and charity. But there's nothing wrong with it'
Previous messages
Sun Nov 17 11:45:07 2002
Name: manju
Email: kgmanjunatha@hotmail.com
Your Views: Gate's visit was surely to promote Microsoft's products in India in particular to penetration in the state and central
government, strengthening ant-piracy drives and as well to promote Microsoft in India with IT companies and developers to
work on their platforms. Indians have to think what they can gain out of this and not sitting in Gate's shoes to think what Gate's
motives are? India can certainly take advantage of Gates's visit to India in the services space in thier .NET architecture. State
and Central government should still promote open platforms in their usage and e-government and not to stick to Microsoft's
platforms. Philantropic efforts of companies like Microsoft should be emulated by Indian companies.
Sun Nov 17 11:56:38 2002
Name: Srinivasa Raghava .K.
Email: srini@hwr.arizona.edu
Your Views: Many people around the world, spcially Indians, seem to be having the opinion that the objective of Bill Gates'
visit to India was to rope in cheap labour and fight the threat from Linux. These people seem to be unaware of Gates'
spectacular contribution to the IT revolution in general, and to India's emergence as a IT 'super power' in particular. Had it not
been for Gates' vision of 'a computer on every desk', and had it not been for Microsoft's commitment to user friendly software,
neither would the IT revolution have happened, nor would hundreds of thousands of Indians be working in the best companies
of Silicon valley creating a brand name for India, and a hope for the nation. Had it not been for Microsoft's vision, India would
still have been known the world over as 'the nation of snake charmers'. Bill Gates is responsible for creating a generation of
Indians who have believe in their abilities and who dream of a strong and self reliant India. Had it not been for Microsoft, the
world of software would have been taken dominated by Unix, which is technically very good but lacks the sense of direction
which comes from centralized control. 95% of today's computer users would never have been able to use computers had it not
been for the revolution created by Windows and Microsoft's vision.
Sun Nov 17 11:57:40 2002
Name: Arun
Email: arun_alfarazdakpress@hotmail.com
Your Views: Actually Bill Gates is doing something what our indian politicians are dreaming off. He is actually realizing their
dreams whatever reasons behind his visit. I sincerely hope that the money allocated will be solely used for the said purposes
and will not be mis appropriated. Hats off Mr. Gates, Hope our Politicians realize the importance of getting rid of this purpose
and realize the allocated sum solely for the purpose of getting rid of AIDS from INDIA.
Sun Nov 17 12:03:32 2002
Name: mel gibson
Email: melgibson@hotmail.com
Your Views: what he doesn't realize or just don't care is all that money he donated will be eaten by ever hungry piranhas aka
bureaucrats and politicians without leaving a single penny for real beneficiaries
Sun Nov 17 12:13:56 2002
Name: Nyaku
Email: nyaku@rediffmail.com
Your Views: In a system where you cannot sneeze without inviting criticism. whatever Bill's motive is, that's one hell of a good
Sun Nov 17 13:03:20 2002
Name: Ramanathan M.
Email: emry@rocketmail.com
Your Views: Bill Gates generosity seems to have some inner motives viz. getting cheap labour and monopolising his product in
India too. But the donation he has done, as we all know is never going to reach the persons in need, but the rogue/dirty/corrupt
politicians are going to swallow all the money. In a way, he has improved the lives of the corrupt politicians and no one else.
Having said all that, we should atleast appreciate that he is trying to do something to people in need which none or most of us
are not even thinking of.
Sun Nov 17 13:14:36 2002
Name: Kiran
Email: Sa_Kiran@hotmail.com
Your Views: It is very clear the Gates has business in his mind more than charity. Now it is up to us to make use of both
business and charity.
Sun Nov 17 13:25:58 2002
Name: S. Ramanathan
Email: ramsfamily@rediffmail.com
Your Views: We Indians have no self respect. If somebody gives money we will put our tongue out and keep looking for
tasting it. Do we have to keep our begging bowl ready everytime when somebody is willing to put their money in the bowl.//IS
HASTORECEIVE THE MONEY FROM ONE INDIVIDUAL. Even for that we have to suspect and attribute motive and
cast aspersions on people. He has said that he is paying back for all the services the 30 percent Indians in his company have
contributed for the growth of his company. After a person has openly acknowledged and appreciated the contributions
thiscountry has made for his company is it not unfair on our part to question that. We as a nation have to collectively question
our own integrity and self respect and the mess we are in.We think that we have all the answers for all the maladies for
thiscountry! We think poverty is the reason. Imagine he has given onecrore to every inividual.It is only $20 or 25 million.
Everybody would be a crorepathy and we will be in a different paradigm. But will it make any difference. We may have to think
it over as a culture andas a society
Sun Nov 17 13:26:38 2002
Name: John
Email: louiswadi@rediffmail.com
Your Views: During the British Raj Indians used to be preferred as lobourers for working in the various plantations under the
UK. These days we have the Indian programmers. Ofcourse the general conditions are not comparable for generally the
working conditions every whare has improved. Some of the labourers those days managed to won some plantations and
similarly we have some Indians putting up some IT companies in the US. WITH NO PRODUCT OF WORTH TO BOAST
AND SLOGS LIKE SLAVES IN THE FIELDS. As far as the indian market for windows goes, Bill Gates, the business man
he is, knows such low PC penetration and backrupt state governments don't mean much. We all will do well to listen to Mr.
Narayana Muthy, Infosys, says "there is no other society that boast so much with such little achiements to show". Now before
checking Bill Gates closet, better check out what we are doing for our populance suffering from AIDS. HIGH TIME TO
Sun Nov 17 13:27:20 2002
Name: John
Email: louiswadi@rediffmail.com
Your Views: During the British Raj Indians used to be preferred as lobourers for working in the various plantations under the
UK. These days we have the Indian programmers. Ofcourse the general conditions are not comparable for generally the
working conditions every whare has improved. Some of the labourers those days managed to won some plantations and
similarly we have some Indians putting up some IT companies in the US. WITH NO PRODUCT OF WORTH TO BOAST
AND SLOGS LIKE SLAVES IN THE FIELDS. As far as the indian market for windows goes, Bill Gates, the business man
he is, knows such low PC penetration and backrupt state governments don't mean much. We all will do well to listen to Mr.
Narayana Muthy, Infosys, says "there is no other society that boast so much with such little achiements to show". Now before
checking Bill Gates closet, better check out what we are doing for our populance suffering from AIDS. HIGH TIME TO
Sun Nov 17 13:36:07 2002
Name: S. Ramanathan
Email: ramsfamily@rediffmail.com
Your Views: We Indians have no self respect. If somebody gives money we will put our tongue out and keep looking for
tasting it. Do we have to keep our begging bowl ready everytime when somebody is willing to put their money in the bowl.//IS
HASTORECEIVE THE MONEY FROM ONE INDIVIDUAL. Even for that we have to suspect and attribute motive and
cast aspersions on people. He has said that he is paying back for all the services the 30 percent Indians in his company have
contributed for the growth of his company. After a person has openly acknowledged and appreciated the contributions
thiscountry has made for his company is it not unfair on our part to question that. We as a nation have to collectively question
our own integrity and self respect and the mess we are in.We think that we have all the answers for all the maladies for
thiscountry! We think poverty is the reason. Imagine he has given onecrore to every inividual.It is only $20 or 25 million.
Everybody would be a crorepathy and we will be in a different paradigm. But will it make any difference. We may have to think
it over as a culture andas a society
Sun Nov 17 13:47:16 2002
Name: Eswar
Email: eswar_prakash@hotmail.com
Your Views: This is ridiculous! Ofcourse it is business, why should he be ashamed of it? and more than that why should WE be
ashamed of it? We are software giants anyway. Why is it bothering us that he is getting cheap labour? What do you mean by
cheap labour anyway? I mean if an Indian software engineer can live a healthy - happy life why is it bothering others? Charity,
yes. SOMEONE has to do it! Eswar
Sun Nov 17 14:02:45 2002
Name: aravind
Email: hi@hi.com
Your Views: I guess it is solely to keep Indian engineers to keep away from Linux.
Sun Nov 17 14:30:03 2002
Name: Sharathbabu
Email: sharathbabuk@hotmail.com
Your Views: Bill Gates runs a charity foundation where he put in millions of dollars. He has passed on a few bucks from his charity foundation to India, I think that is all has happened here. His trip was also about business, he wants get a major share of IT spending here by governments and education institutions. I don't see anything wrong in this, he is selling what he has got. There has been reports that Indian techies are moving more towards Java/Linux world. (Simputer is an example of this). His speech at Infosys may be an effort to pull the techies towards MS technologies like .NET. One embarassing think that happens each time he comes over here is ministers queuing up to meet him, why is he given a status of Head of state ? He is just a business man trying to sell his stuff. This happens only with Bill Gates not with other CEOs who come over here, like INTEL's CEO who came to India recently. Perhaps the ministers smell $$ from Bill Gates.
Sun Nov 17 14:31:07 2002
Name: Sudhanashu
Email: sudhanshuts@hotmail.com
Your Views: His trip is about both, generosity and business. But I don't see anything wrog with it..
Sun Nov 17 14:32:32 2002
Name: M.Baskaran
Email: bosky2k@rediffmail.com
Your Views: I am sure he has a hidden agenda.Let us not get carried away by the western worlds's enthusiasm for fighting
AIDS. They will say it is aid for AIDS now and when the people start using the medicines they supply they will say it will cost.
Remember this is the man from a country which wants have a patent right for our Basmati rice. Do not forget East India
Company, do not forget French colony..
Sun Nov 17 14:43:19 2002
Email: pai102001@yahoo.com
Your Views: First of all thank u very much for your this undigested subject about greater person and history making and knowledgeable person. He is very good and gentlemen because if he wish he can set some heavy prices for india also for their operating system. He is great and loyal person this is his own empire and he wish to maintain some good respect about him for entire society therefore he is given some donation to India also. Because he is searching good and excellent telent in Indian people. therefore, he is visiting for india for some good social work and business goodwill and market share for future planning. He is making his future span for future talented competition environment base he is made for this. He is looking for his entire base for only spinal cord he is keeping all latented and india is also very very cheap labour for him. Indian people is very good hardworker, honest, polite speaking, very tolerated and non-terrist people, they will use properly for all common people can also share this knowledge. India is very big population he can atleast set target for 100 crores population. This is his market survey and to gain some social respect from asian society.
Sun Nov 17 15:07:31 2002
Name: Neerav
Email: cool12341@yahoo.com
Your Views: Nothing is impossible for India To come on Top if a businessman like Bill Gates what he is doing is absolutely
unbelievable if Indian Businessman and Govt. of India also helps India as Bill Gate is doing then India will be a Proud Nation
Thanks to Bill Gates
Sun Nov 17 15:44:23 2002
Name: Jitendra Chaudhary
Email: jitu4jobs@rediff.com
Your Views: BILL GATES and Social Welfare------Strange!!!! Wait and see, u would know.
Sun Nov 17 16:16:29 2002
Name: Nirav Galani
Email: niravgalani@yahoo.com
Your Views: For Bill Gates, $100 million is just a drop from the sea of his massive personal wealth. He is a shrewd businessman
and a pure capitalist. You see that in his life style and in the investment of his money. He comes to India seeking the massive
untapped market where he can gain immensely if the indian IT infrastructure -- that will come up -- is based on the products of
microsoft. And that is what he wants and seeks. He is trowing a bait for us to go for like one throws at the end of a line when
fishing. Now he will wait for us to grab at his bait.
Sun Nov 17 16:20:43 2002
Name: Practical Mind
Email: PM@rediffmail.com
Your Views: Mr. Gates take care, It is a huge amount. It is 500 Crores Indian Rupees. If given through government channels
not even 10% of it will actually go to the cause. Corrupt politicians will mop most of it. These politicians are worse than AIDS.
Sun Nov 17 17:38:53 2002
Name: tashinyima
Email: tashinyima@yahoo.com
Your Views: I dont think Bill came India to make money he has enough money and from my side i think he is here to help the
poeple of India and to fight againes HIV and other deadly diseases and i just love the way Bill does his work he is the richest
man in the world and he uses his money the way it should be and he not only helps the people of India throught World and i
hope god helps him whatever he does and some people who has lots of money but they dont use it the way Bill does. from
Tashi Nyima
Sun Nov 17 18:19:33 2002
Name: Renukumar
Email: g_renukumar@hotmail.com
Your Views: Thinks will be very very different if we take his visit differently.yes,much of our point of view will be that Gates visit
is to sell his product , may or may not be.As there is a proverb " there are no free lunches." Afterall, we should encourage his
investment.A nations economy will develop because of the foreign investment only.if we take into consideration how U.S has
trasformed itself into richest nation is that due to the investment and acceptance only.If india wants to laugh all the way to the
bank we have to encourage foreign investment.we r encouraging car companies for example, why we should not do it for
software industry.Once even the richest has to own a fiat car only, but after globalisation many unimaginable cars r rolling in our
roads.just like this we should use his visit for our growth.he may grow because we r growing,but we too grow.isn't it?.
Sun Nov 17 19:06:53 2002
Name: ashok Chavda.
Email: info@globalmedia4u.com
Your Views: Yeasterday I had sent you my comments. to prove my point, sir, here I am sending you a link proving how
western papers already started India bashing on AIDS. please click on http://www.msnbc.com/news/835539.asp?cp1=1 now
only to see yourself. Ashok Chavda.
Sun Nov 17 19:29:42 2002
Name: saeed-ahmed
Email: mg2@rediffmail.com
Your Views: His trip was purely of business nature, but appreciated his approach, never gave a chance to guess that he is
doing business as he was too generous also at the same time. Lesson to learn for our big bosses for promoting business no one
is small, that mean business.
Sun Nov 17 21:34:53 2002
Name: Shyam Krishna Arjarapu
Email: shyamkrishna@rediffmail.com
Your Views: Whether the purpose of his donation visit is for showing his genorisity or for his business expansion ... he did a
great job. But the question is what percantage of this money will be used to the purpose? Surely we must take care that it will
not endup in Corrupted officials bank accounts. Well if we think that he would rule just like Britishers did to us with his
products, then why don't we guys use linux or some other OS. Afterall how many of you use Licensied copy of MS Products??
Comeon Tell me...
Sun Nov 17 23:37:00 2002
Name: ask
Email: ask@hotmail.com
Your Views: The market is not good in US at present. If India is getting business from this man, it's great. Business brings
employment and money into the country. Also he is spending some money back on the society. Tell me how many Indian
companies do that. The world has been like that...The Britishers found wealth in our country and Bill Gates is impressed of the
Indian talent so he is here..Let's not be sarcastic and learn from what we are getting. Look for some avenues of how we can
sell back to rich countries from this.
Sun Nov 17 23:56:14 2002
Name: Sundar Raman
Email: kovai_suresh@yahoo.com
Your Views: There is only one thing behind Bill Gates's action. His Big Heart.. Also there is only one thing behind the critics
who would link this to windows-Linux war....Their Silly minds. Bill Gates pledged to donate money from his personal money.
No one, has to even comment on this..This is one of things, that if you cant applaud, its better to shut up.. Had Bill Gates bribed
someone thats a different story.... ..come on...personal money.. Has anyone every donated Rs. 1 for those that need..I guess
not.. All those who criticize his action probably would not have a spent a single second to think, what difference it will make in
the lives of those who benefits from this. We live in society where every action is equated to material benefit. Simly sick minds..
_Sundar Aside from this, on the Linux/Windows thing, I am a loyal Linux use, but I also realize Microsoft is too good to fight
the war in technical arena. I really hang my head in shame, when I read more of this view appearing in the media.
Mon Nov 18 01:04:44 2002
Name: yfgh
Email: gfdbn1@vfdg.com
Your Views: gfcgfgjf
Mon Nov 18 01:12:40 2002
Name: venkit subramanian
Email: svjathi@aol.com
Your Views: I couldn't help noticing how some sick people mentioned about "cheap labor". I guess they must be people who
look forward to getting H1B visas and fly to the USA. What benefit does that have for India? We need more MDCs and
similar stuff for other major companies in India coming up. Who cares if a programmer / manager in India is not paid in US
terms? Anyway they are being paid anywhere between 1/2 & 2/3 of the US salary. Try to compare his generosity with our
MPs with their 1 crore fund. Please try to remove the beam in your eyes and look at the generosity. Why do you want to
attribute motives to a seemingly selfless act? Let us get over our pseudo-socialist thinking. No soceity will progress until each
person in it progresses and then returns to help others. This is what Mr.Gates is doing. Let us thank God that there is at least
one guy like him. Pray to God to help him overcome all those jealous stupids who would like to prevent his company from
giving a lot of comfort to his consumers. Let him and others like him pour more money into India and help India become this
century's superpower.
Mon Nov 18 01:30:15 2002
Name: Anil Pammi
Email: contact_anil@lycos.com
Your Views: It takes a lot for a single man to commit to a funding to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. Bill Gates has
done it. We should appreciate his commitment.
Mon Nov 18 04:25:50 2002
Name: Raghav
Email: padminiraghavan@msn.com
Your Views: Whatever the reason it is for a good cause and good things has to be appreciated.In India who has done this
much help to the public?If he does not give nobody is going to criticise him.When he gives we are criticising It shows what we
Mon Nov 18 06:31:50 2002
Name: Vinod
Email: vinodbijlani@rediffmail.com
Your Views: y should i think abt tht? someone comes to me gives me business & helps
the ecomony ... all welcome to Mr. Gates.
Mon Nov 18 07:00:46 2002
Name: Rushabh
Email: mail@rediffmail.com
Your Views: Well, Bill Gates has given Rs. 500 crores. There is no point putting motives behind this. It's a really cool thing to
do. Many of us in his position, would not have done this. Hat's off on this one.
Mon Nov 18 07:29:45 2002
Name: waier
Email: gopal24@rediffmail.com
Your Views: No wonder why most Indians are miser and wretched. They will not part a rupee from their palm nor will they
allow others to alms thousands for the needy. Of course they will keep their mouth shut if hundred goes to their pocket.
Jealousy is their heart, pride is their mind, envy is their character, poverty is their topic, leprosy is their hand, slander is their
tongue, wicked is their eyes - what good and noble things you expect from them anyway?
Mon Nov 18 09:20:53 2002
Name: Joey
Email: jmartel@zwallet.com
Your Views: *************** FREE TO JOIN!!! *************** $50 Signup Bonus $0.05 - $20 per e-mail! Get
Paid for your visits, sign-ups, leads, sales 6 referral levels Up to $10 per referral! 1st level - $10 2nd level - $5 3rd level - $4
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Mon Nov 18 09:49:45 2002
Your Views: Donation is fine. Hut how much money will go for the real cause???
Mon Nov 18 11:06:59 2002
Email: dileep_31@yahoo.com
Your Views: hello sir, Bill Gates tour was truly with a purpose.he came here to combat aids in india.it was really for a human
benevolence. Gates was a truly a great man.
Mon Nov 18 12:22:08 2002
Name: Sharad Dewan
Email: sharaddewan@rediffmail.com
Your Views: It looks like he is using Indians as guinea-pigs for research on the vaccinations which they can't try in USA due to
sringent rules.Other place is Africa but they have no money to buy,India can become potential buyer. If anything goes wrong
with the medicines,they will have to pay heavy penalty in US.Here we are like beggers,we will not bother for the side effects. I
feel he has purely business mind and this is an investment for the R&D and marketing. But the overall act is so fine that,he has
given a sugar coating of genorosity. Our people also responsible for the publicity given to his visit that he is doing this for the
cause of for the human beings. If some one is thinking that he has given money for social cause,then you are mistaken.
Americans are known for their marketing skills and what ever they do has deep roots related to their marketing strategy.
Sat Nov 16 19:38:16 2002
Name: Amit
Email: er_amitk@rediffmail.com
Your Views: Not at all. Greatness from Gates
Mon Nov 18 13:00:39 2002
Name: sreekumar
Email: sreekumar_an@rediffmail.com
Your Views: i think he has comes to uplift his market and charishma which he seems to have loosing these days. ofcourse he
has got some reasonable charity grouped with that thought. as india is the biggest market potential for any multinational
company his visit to india may be fruitful for him and this a good business move.
Mon Nov 18 13:09:18 2002
Name: mramkumar
Email: mramkumar2@rediffmail.com
Your Views: it is business with generosity.what he is investing in india is peanuts for him. but he is going to get back by
imposing conditions of usage of microsoft products only. what ever it is, it is a welcome gesture. let us use it judiciously.
Mon Nov 18 14:07:02 2002
Name: B. Ayyappan
Email: aypan@rediffmail.com
Your Views: Although Mr.Gates&Co. visited india with some hidden agenda, let us take the best out of it. A man from the
Capitalistic country coming to india throwing money towards countries like india means definetly he planned to weave a net in
the huge indian s/w market. Ok, let this be it., Why cant we take the best out of that? Let us make use of the investment he is
making in india, Get the most out of it? The politicians v r voting for , siting pretty in the chair sucking the blood from us. How
come v r so good to expect those things from our money-driven crazy politicians? It's enough for us expecting from those mad
politicians...Yes it is party time!!Of coz business in one end, let us welcome Mr.Gates for his investment in indian s/w
market..!!Cool and take it as granted..
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