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December 6, 2002
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'Faster privatisation, cutting red tape most important'

Previous: 'Possible only if corruption is reduced'

Thu Dec 5 20:08:10 2002
Your Views:certainly not with the present mindset of the govt and prevailing conditions which is encumbering the progress.

Thu Dec 5 20:10:34 2002
Name:karani bipin tokarshi
Your Views:yes,inspite of all negative factor we will achieve growth of 8 percent.

Thu Dec 5 20:13:52 2002
Name:Jay Navin
Your Views:Yeah - 8% growth is possible; India has vast demand for goods and services like China 15 years ago. The will to satify this consumer demand is lacking among the politicians and the intelligencia. The country is not in unison to achive this 8% growth, if they are they may hit 10% and more.

Thu Dec 5 20:19:41 2002
Name:R Narayan
Your Views:8% GDP Growth is impossible&impracticable.Will the PM be able to say and for that reason any Ministers the percentage of population who can understand what is GDP.There is nothing impossible also.Before making the statement, F.M. should also give firm assurance of the recovery of bad debts-NPA etcetc. Recently we read in press (salute to I.E)for exposing 1 lakh crore scam.In Parliament this issue was raised but there was not much hue and cry as all parties are partners of the scam.Parliamentarians are only interested in critisising each others Policy. No one is above Board. Congress party is alone responsible for this state of after the reins were taken over by Indira Gandhi. Why this GDPGrowth? What will be the growth of wealth of Politicians and others. If GDP growth is 8% then growth of wealth of Politicians, Ministers of State, bureaucrats etc.etc. will be more than 800%. FM should have told this also in the Parliament. Indians are staying in fools paradise and they can be fooled by any one. Retired personnel,senior citizens,middle class people etc. are facing serious financial problems because of frequently reducing interest rates. Do something for the poor.

Thu Dec 5 20:21:35 2002
Name:arun khanna
Your Views:Till we have people who are patriotic, it will not happen. Today what we have is short sighted greedy incompetent ambitious politicians and civil service. No hope till they are tolerated by avg indians.

Thu Dec 5 20:30:23 2002
Name:Venu Singichetti
Your Views:Privatisation and reducing redtape are the most important requirements for achieving the goal.

Thu Dec 5 20:32:05 2002
Name:gour khatua
Your Views:Absolutely! Only thing that we need is transperency and professionalism from our political leaders/ministers. general public will do the rest to achieve 8% or even more!

Thu Dec 5 20:32:16 2002
Name: Harikrishnan.J
Your Views:What we need is a paradigm shift in mentalities of not just politicians but people too, about what is good for them. Then only tough reforms can be put up thru. Also the Govt. needs to communicate openly about these measures...however hard they are.

Thu Dec 5 20:32:38 2002
Name:G Ramachandran
Your Views:Yes, the Indian economy can grow at over 8 per cent. The high growth can be sustained for at least ten years.

Thu Dec 5 20:35:19 2002
Name:Shiva Iyer
Your Views:Economic Thinking! The most essential thing to run the Indian elephant as we all wish to is to instill the economic thinking among the polico-bureaucratic class which is the blockade for the growth of the country in all the directions. Unless they get to see some sense, some ownership of India's future it is really hard to see really numbers running out. There is a dearth of commitment from political class on the real needs of the country. If we all want to see India as a powerful country in 25 yrs ( in one generation)it is essential to grow at breath taking speed of 8 to 11%. For that we need urgently to focus on education, sociological developments, economics of scale in all industries to drive home the cost advantage, reasonable accountability on politico-bureaucractic class, strategic thinking and instilling the feeling of Indianess and the urges of a common man. The reason the Americans and Chinese are the leaders today in growth is their leaders (or the driving group)who want to put a mix of filling their their pants together with their country ownership. IF we get that, we should be 200% set to beat them. Else we stay as we are just dreaming around which we do a lot!!

Thu Dec 5 20:38:24 2002
Name:Santosh Kumar
Your Views:Yes, of course it is possible. In fact it was posiible in past as well, but for lack of political consensus. Now, after getting into power even BJP has realized that on economic reforms there can be no politics. To achieve the 8% growth rate, which in my view, is still modest figure considering the latent growth potential of robust Indian economy, the economic reform process has to be sustained. It is no business of Government to be in business, this must be spelt out clearly for once and ever to anybody under illusion. All the government companies be divested to private management in stratagic manner manner to generate maximum fund and the fund be utilized for retiring debts, minimizing budget deficit, improving social security and providing better amenities to common masses. The subsidies, all of them must go, because they are benifitting those who don't need. People should be made to pay for what they use- road, electricity, petro-products, water. This will inculcate in them the sense of responsibility and tendency to use the resources efficiently. There is no harm in leading an autere life if we can't pay for something. Some militaristic approach in a humane manner is needed.

Thu Dec 5 20:39:01 2002
Your Views:If there is peace and security to life and property all over India, a sustained GDP growth of around 7.5-8.5% is not at all difficult and could be achieved within say 2-3 years. The infrastructure development in the semi-urban areas i.e the villages/centres with a population of less than 500,000 people if is targeted then the opportunities of business would soar like anything. The communication issue not remaining a major one, investment in brick and mortar (i.e roads, bridges, trains, power etc) and in engines of growth in social governance (i.e Primary, Secondary and tertiary Education and Health care) will automatically propel all engulfing growth that is bound to raise the GDP from present 5.5% to 10% in 3-5 years time and will sustain between 7.5-8.5% for atleast a decade or more. ONLY thing required is a WILL to SUCEED and we will suceed This is what we could call as Investment in Human resources Regards

Thu Dec 5 20:41:52 2002
Name:Joya Ganguly
Your Views:It is possible to achieve a 8% growth with a viable program to combat terrorism and communal riots in India. Both these evils can be fought by embracing true democratic measures that include all sections of the population in formulating a strategy and in challenging such an environment. For lack of a better alternative, I believe that Satyagraha, mourning and atonement for people killed by terrorism and civil war, can lead India back on the path of prosperity and peace. Should Pakistan wish to join in the noble effort, it should be most welcome to do so. However, if they cannot, then India has much to gain by following a principle of non-violence within its own communites. The political character of which would be determined by the people themselves.

Thu Dec 5 20:47:09 2002
Name:Aman Dutt
Your Views:Yes the 8% growth rate is possible but first we Indians must leave the defeatist attitude behind us. We think of ourselves only and not for the country. For ex, the Kelker Tax plan the best plan I have seen in 50 years barring the recomendations about the housing sector. but we foolish Indians think of ourself only we are rasing hue and cry over the loss in savings but do not understand that as the govt revenues go up olny two things can happen: 1. the govt borrows less driving down the interest rates and corporstes start borrowing again expanding and creating jobs. this in exactly what happned in 1992 when the cut in govt expenditure cut the intrest rates. 2. In the second scenario the govt spend lat more thereby again creating jobs. but we will not look in to these simple things and thaink only about ourselves. we want to ape the west in many things but when in comes to a situation like this one we turn selfish this is why the are successful and we are not this exactly China is ahead of us because they put their petty differences behind them even at political level. to achive the 8% growth rate we must first think for the Nation first and then for ourselve

Thu Dec 5 20:52:30 2002
Your Views:eight percent growth over a sustained period of time is possible if there is political will. we need to actively invest in improving infrastructure, especially in the rural areas. This would mean better roads, telecommunications, health and education in the rural areas. Irrigation systems should be improved so that the cycle of drought and floods is more manageable. Industries should be given incentives to move away from cities to smaller towns. This would enable that there is an allround development instead of localized development. Entrepreneurship should be encouraged with better training and credit availability. Similarly, land ownership should be encouraged in rural areas so that more farmers own their own land. These steps will create more employment and will be a major boost to the economy. It is also important that we must decrease social tensions between various communities in the country. riots, in addition to causing social instability also cause great economic damage. Govt should also make it important to control the fiscal deficit. Tax paying population should increase. To conclude all these would require a lot of initial govt thrust and the political will to do it.

Thu Dec 5 20:53:04 2002
Name:Rajeev Ranjan
Your Views:The natuaral calamities can't be prevented but also govt. & it officials hinder the process by procrastinating the influx of foreign fund. Even leader who are illiterate and talk about disinvestement. It's shame on a country who has tremendous potential in the form of manpower & natural resources. As per all the latest analysis india is continuously lagging behind arch rival china and i think our process and people are responsible for the same. In the changed business model if indian govt officials really work honestly then no wonder if we can be right on track of accomplishing the target. Also i wud like to highlight the prejudiceness of govt towards IT, which is killing for common people. Why can't automate the and make IT return policy by connecting individual's bank acc with return. Waive all other card make IT card as green card of India. Concisely we all need to strive to accomplish by effective means and making system more effective.

Thu Dec 5 21:00:14 2002
Your Views:It is possible & easily too, if we keep looking outwards. Continue to spend modestly on infrastructure, reduce import tariffs, remove hurdles to foreign investment. A major push required in attracting travellers - improve airports, get rid of the chaprasis at the airports, rid our streets of beggars, touts at tourist places - because tourist dollars can be followed by investment dollars.

Thu Dec 5 21:06:29 2002
Name:sudhir K jain
Your Views:It is possible If govt reduces Income tax to 15% for all Parallel economy will boost the main stream economy Fund shortage will go off Tax collection of indirect taxes specially Excise and Stax will double Govt deficeit will reduce Money parked abroad will come back This is the only practical solution

Thu Dec 5 21:07:54 2002
Your Views:As per my View, this is possible and as u told by quoting the disaster which we met, it is somewhat deflecting somewhere. So the major portion which we got from agri/and IT/Forigen investment is torned.

Thu Dec 5 21:10:48 2002
Your Views:Yes...In our dreams !!!

Thu Dec 5 21:11:06 2002
Name:priyal bisht
Your Views:Given the present political, economic and security scenario, it seems incresaingly unlikely that we shall be able to attain the 8% growth target. Ofcourse this is not impossible, but the largest impediment to the goal is the lack of poltical will and shortsighted approach by all the political parties.

Thu Dec 5 21:11:43 2002
Your Views:I guess the pace at which the country is doing business and trade , blending it with technological advances where in we are the pioneer can help us achieve our target. But on one condition: the old dudes, the stinking old government which has been since donkeys years stop interfereing in the process of advancements as they know shit about whats happening. Till they get their minds of the political bickerings, i dont think these bunch of old jokers can do something.

Thu Dec 5 21:11:56 2002
Name:Binay N Thakur
Your Views:It is very difficult to achieve the target growth rate of 8 %, given the way our governments are performing. We are wrongly blaming the drought situation for our low growth of 5 to 5.5 percent. Rainfall statistics shows that drought is not on a big scale in the country. Indian economy requires a big stroke to achieve the target growth rate. This includes fiscal descipline in the governance, infrastructural investment, large scale disinvestment of PSUs to unlock their growth potential, regulatory reforms in labour ,regulatory and financial laws, creation of agricultural infrastructure etc. But these things donot seem to be implemented at least in the short run. Sometime a big strength can become an obstruction in development also as is happening in India. The greatest strength of India i.e. democracy is causing huge delay in the economic decision making due to vote politics.

Thu Dec 5 21:13:48 2002
Name:Raghavendra Sondur
Your Views:I don't think it is possible to have 8% growth and I am of the opinion that we shouldn't really pursue that goal. To achieve it, some folks have to take a pinch including retired folks (pension, lower interest rates), labour (VRS), farmers (lower subsidies, charges for electricity, water and also pay income taxes). I don't think anyone wants to sacrifice part of their income for a better tomorrow. The people who run the government (politicians and officials) are not strong-willed to push such measures. It would be best if we dilute the reforms and space it out over a long period to the tune of 20 years or so. Also, always suger-coat the bitter pill somewhat by giving away some small things while taking a hard decision. We should stop comparing ourselves with the developing countries in Asia including China. In those countries either the democracies have matured enough or there is strong political will which can push decisions without consensus. What is the harm if we don't join the ranks of developed countries for another 25 years? We have led our lives in darkness for almost 200 years (150 years of british raj and 50 years since independence), so another 25 years won't matter.

Thu Dec 5 21:19:06 2002
Your Views:it is not an acheivable target as far as the current scenario stands...none of the sectors are really doing well and no measures have been taken to meet the dream target...may be in another 25 years time india may acheive this target

Thu Dec 5 21:33:11 2002
Name:Tejovikas Suravajjala
Your Views:Yes, provided government looks for answers inside the country rather than outside. 1) Accelerating disinvestment and allowing Shourie to work with out interference from people like Ram Naik. 2) Taxing income on agriculture. Categorize agricultural land all over the country and define 'small and marginal farmer' for each category. Exempt them and collect tax from everyone else. 3) Build consensus on a timetable to do away with some of the farm subsidies in a very phased and controlled manner. 4) Schemes like Food-For-Work need to restructured and implemented vigorously. 5) Deny services like Ration-Cards to people with more than two children after sufficient notice period. 6) Decrease the size of the government. Government should create business friendly atmosphere not become employer for one and all. 7) Invest significant amounts of money in infrastructure (Roads, Ports, Airports). That would lead to higher tax collections each passing year and this should firmly place the country in a growth spiral. Answer to our problem lies within. We as Indians will have to lift ourselves out our misery since, we as Indians have put ourselves in this situation.

Thu Dec 5 21:35:45 2002
Name:J. Thakur
Your Views:The GDP growth at the rate of 8% is hard but a possible event. They key issues are required to be addressed viz. 1. RAPID and UNBOUND but PROPER privatisation/ divestment of PSU and others, 2. Inducting PRIVATE FUNDING AND MONITORING organizations to eatablish SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE in VERY SHORTEST POSSIBLE time. 3. BOOSTING FDI at ANY COST because that will create JOB MARKET and CASH INFLOW. 4. MAINTAINING POLITICAL STABILITY at the centre (Parliament) to accelerate the reform process. PLEASE CONVEY THIS MESSAGE TO OUR EVERY INDIVIDUAL MINISTERS SITTING IN PARLIAMENT. OTHER WISE BE PREPARED FOR ECEONOMIC SLUG IN FUTURE.

Thu Dec 5 21:36:18 2002
Name:Prakash Dayal
Your Views:I don't think the Government will achieve 8%GPDP but it is not impossible.Why not India makes a criteria for applying the president rule on states if the government of that state is failed in achieving certain growth rate, like atleast 3-4%, otherwise I don't think we need that government. This way atleast some Governments will understand the economic growth is at least 2nd most important(if not 1st) duty of the Government after law and administration. Atleast this way the innocent public of BIHAR, UP ... can be rescued from the blunt, senseless and blockhead politicians, who have only local and caste vision instead of a progressive and a global vision. There should be a debate for those government who have negative growth rate, should we still tolerate and be should watch the devastation silently. So I think with such strong steps, not only 8% but even more GDP growth rate can be achieved, if not this year then in coming years.

Thu Dec 5 21:37:35 2002
Your Views:ask the finance minister to stop day dreaming......has he ever studied economics? i doubt it big time......

Thu Dec 5 21:41:19 2002
Your Views:If China can grow at 8%, why not India? The basic requirements for this (which have been lacking in India)are a proper vision, strong political will, and co-operation from people across political boundaries, to make it happen. India desparately needs better infrastructure - efficient and well-assured supply of electricity and water, reliable telephone lines, better roads, cleaner neighbourhoods, efficient bureaucracy to name just a few. If the Government cannot provide all this, it should gracefully butt out and let the private sector handle it.

Thu Dec 5 21:47:32 2002
Your Views:No, on reality grounds it is not possible for 8% grouth. India is not the Asian tigers, she is an elephant and that is what is good for her. There is no reson for rushing to 8%. The growth should take Swadeshi in mind. We should not meanouver with Western philosophy and other nation's examples. India is unique and let it be guide by its instincts. Tomorrow the world will follow us.

Thu Dec 5 21:50:07 2002
Your Views:If there is political will, anything is possible

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