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May 17, 2001
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Commercial vehicle tax increased in Maharashtra

BS Regional Bureau

Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh has announced an increase in motor vehicle tax for commercial vehicles.

The hike is expected to yield an additional Rs 621.5 million to the exchequer, and push up tariffs for passengers and goods.

The state cabinet meeting on Wednesday accepted the proposal to increase the annual tax due on three-seater autorickshaws, six-seater autorickshaws, taxis with meters and air-conditioned cool cabs from the existing Rs 240, Rs 480, Rs 320 and Rs 320, to Rs 300, Rs 600, Rs 400 and Rs 520, respectively.

Annual tax for non-air-conditioned tourist vehicles, air-conditioned tourist vehicles and imported tourist vehicles have been increased from the uniform Rs 640 to Rs 1,000, Rs 1,200 and Rs 1,600, respectively.

The cabinet also okayed a single slab of tax for goods carriers or trucks having capacity up to 7.5 tonne, which would fetch Rs 550 million more in revenues per annum. The licence fees for operating within one state has been increased from Rs 3,000 to Rs 5,000. Cranes would face a similar hike in tax.

The chief minister noted that over 30,000 tonne of wheat and rice were lying as surplus stock in the Food Corporation of India godowns in the state.

Deshmukh said that the Centre had promised to increase the quota of kerosene to Maharashtra by 4,500 kilo litres, following efforts by his government.

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