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August 27, 2001
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'Forged' letter sparks disorder in Lok Sabha again

Divestment Minister Arun Shourie's conduct of seeking a CBI probe to find out the veracity of a letter read out in the Lok Sabha by Congress chief whip Priya Ranjan Dasmunshi, rocked the House on Monday embarrassing the government and compelling the Speaker to hold a meeting of various party leaders to take a decision.

Following an agitated opposition's charge that Shourie had committed a serious error and damaged the dignity of the House by bringing in an outside agency, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pramod Mahajan said that the government was ready to accept whatever decision taken by the Speaker in this regard.

Apparently, Mahajan did not make any effort to defend the Shourie's act.

During a special discussion on divestment in the House on August 23, Dasmunshi quoted from a letter purported to be written by the cabinet secretary to the Prime Minister's Office on divestment in Air-India. Shourie soon got the help of officials and stated that the letter was a forged one and therefore he was referring it to the CBI to find out as to how it had happened.

On Monday, the issue was again raised by Dasmunshi who said that he was ready to apologise if the letter was a forged one. However, the minister was making statements outside the House which damaged the dignity of Lok Sabha, he said.

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