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qv$gu` Np¡rlg, Adv$phpv$ cpfsue S>_sp `n Üpfp `p¡sp_u kpBV$ `f dsv$pfp¡ kp\¡ khpg-S>hpb_p¡ gpBh Q¡V ip¡ ApS>¡ bfpbf Qpëep¡ lsp¡. cpS>`_u h¡bkpBV$ www.bjpguj.org `f ApS>¡ cpS>`_p âh¼sp A_¡ ^pfpkæe cfs `„X$ép kp\¡ dsv$pfp¡_u Ap¡_gpB_ hpsQus_p¡ L$pe®¾$d lsp¡ S>¡dp„ õ¾$ut_N L$fu_¡ khpgp¡_p S>hpb A`pep s¡\u `Ùrskf Q¡V$ ip¡ Qpgu i¼ep¡ lsp¡. Nep frhhpf¡ cpS>`_p âv$¡i âdyM fpS>¡ÞÖ tkl fpZp kp\¡ k„hpv$_u gpBh Q¡V$ ep¡ÅC lsu s¡ hMs¡ Ap¡`_ S>_fg Q¡V$_u `Ùrs A`_phhpdp„ Aphu lsu s¡_p L$pfZ¡ gp¡L$p¡A¡ Q¡V$ rhÞX$p¡_¡ ApL$fp khpgp¡ A_¡ V$uL$pqV$à`ZuAp¡\u R>gL$phu v$u^p¡ lsp¡. s¡ `R>u Ap hMs¡ cpS>`_p rdqX$ep k¡g¡ ap¡d® Üpfp khpgp¡ dNphu_¡ s¡dp„\u `k„v$Nu L$fu_¡ S>hpbp¡ Apàep lsp. a¼s dõsu L$fhp dpV¡$ S> `yR>pe¡gp khpgp¡_¡ bpv$ L$fu v¡$hpep lsp. cpS>`_p âh¼sp cfs `„X$épA¡ S>Zpìey„ lsy„ L¡$, "Ad¡ 80 V$L$p khpgp¡_p S>hpbp¡ Apàep R>¡. cpS>` `n `yAf R>¡ A¡hp khpg_p¡ `Z S>hpb Apàep¡ R>¡ A_¡ A¡L$ dy[õgd eyhp_¡ c¡v$cph_u hps L$fu s¡_p¡ `Z S>hpb Apàep¡ R>¡.' Apd R>sp„ L¡$V$gpL$ ApL$fp khpgp¡_p S>hpb Ap`u iL$pep lp¡s s¡hp khpg_p S>hpbdp„ s¡dZ¡ L$üy„ L¡$, "L¡$V$gpL$ ìe[¼sNs Apn¡`p¡ L$fsp khpgp¡ Ad¡ A¡hp¡BX$ L$ep® lsp. v$pMgp sfuL¡$ A¡L$ â^p_ S>du_L$p¥cp„X$_p hpf„hpf khpgp¡ `yR>pep s¡ Bfpv$p`|h®L$_p lp¡hp_p gpNhp\u Ad¡ A¡hp¡BX$ L$ep® R>¡.' cpS>` rdqX$ep k¡g_p irif„S>_ epv$h¡ L$üy„ lsy„ L¡$, "Ap hMs¡ Ad¡ `Ùrskf gpBh Q¡V$ ep¡Æ i¼ep A_¡ S>¡ÞeyB_ gp¡L$p¡_¡ S>hpbp¡ Ap`u i¼ep s¡_p¡ Ap_„v$ R>¡.' 40\u h^y khpgp¡ dþep lsp s¡dp„\u 24_p S>hpbp¡ Ap`hpdp„ Apìep lsp. h^y A¡L$ gpBh Q¡V$ ip¡ `fd qv$hk¡ 14 spfuM¡ ep¡Åi¡. ApS>_u Q¡V$_p L¡$V$gpL$ fkâv$ khpg-S>hpb : sadiq shekhji sashiyan@yahoo.com bharuch what is ur policy for educated ,unemployee indian youth & muslim youth? Bharatbhai: We do not differentiate between Indian youth and muslim youth. For us, all youth are equal and we are doing our best to provide youth with best opportunities through schemes like Vajpayee Rojgar Yojna. GOvt has recently employed 42,000 youths as teachers under Vidhya Sahayak Scheme on merit. patel ghanshyam gj86@123india.com ahmedabad bjp government is very poor government Bharatbhai: BJP govt. is pro poor govt. and not poor. raju raju@hotmail.com rajkot can not we stop further money wastage on Narmada project? Bharatbhai: It is an established fact that Narmada Project will bring about a solution to the drinking water problem of more than 8215 villages. It will also provide water to 135 cities and will irrigate 16 lac hectares of land. You will appreciate that the project is rightly called the Lifeline of Gujarat state and it cannpot be called waste of money. shallu shallu@hotmail.com ahd See sir.. u blame congress for all ur problems.. when is bjp going to come out of teh opposition mould? Bharatbhai: We talk of the work we have done in the span of time we have been ruling. however, you are witness to the fact from Nehru to PV Narsimha Rao, Congress kept on promising every five years through its manifasto that they will make roads, bring drinking operator etc., but, has not fulfilled any of the promises in these 50 years. FACT IS FACT. The problems have naturally risen and grown because of the congress misrule that is why we blame congress. braj bmsingh2000@yahoo.com ahmedabad Is not BJP a party of hypocrites, which does promises a lot but can's fulfil a single promise at the centre or state? u call BJP a disciplined party but nos of disgruntled elements have risen right from Mr shankarsinh Vaghela to kalyan singh to Govindacharya to Uma Bharati to latest shshma swaraj.vajpayee has dropped ram mandir and article 370, is not he all for power???!!! Bharatbhai: No BJP is not not a party of hypocrites, what ever we promised in the Gujarat menifesto we already have fullfilled 70 % of it. Power is not over aim we are for the making of a stable strong, prosperous nation. |