Have you ever realised that 50 per cent of vision problems and eyesight loss can be prevented by an early diagnosis and a healthy lifestyle?
A good exercise regimen improves blood circulation, ensuring a steady flow of oxygen and nutrients to your eyes, states WebMD. Plus, staying active helps maintain a healthy weight, which can further protect your vision. Exercise daily for at least 30 minutes.
According to WebMD, smoking doesn’t just harm your lungs, it also raises your risk of cataracts, optic nerve damage, and macular degeneration. Quitting isn’t easy, but every attempt brings you closer to success.
Don't forget your sunglasses when you step out! They protect your eyes from harmful UVA and UVB rays, even on cloudy days, says John Hopkins Health.
Your laptop/computer screen should be at the right distance and angle for comfortable viewing, suggests Healthline. Keep it about an arm’s length away and at or just below eye level and zoom into the text while reading to reduce strain. This applies to phones and tablets too.
Most of us forget to drink water. We often reach for a snack or a drink instead of a glass of water. Water is very crucial for our eyes as it helps keeps them moist and comfortable, preventing dryness and irritation, advises Medical News Today. So, drink plenty of water.
Good vision starts with good nutrition! Foods rich in omega-3s, lutein (a carotenoids), zinc, and vitamins C and E protect your eyes and make sure they are healthy, states WebMD.
Wearing glasses with the correct prescription or contacts won’t prevent eye disease, but they reduce eyestrain, headaches and even potential accidents caused by unclear vision, says Cleveland Clinic. If needed, consider corrective surgery for long-term clarity, but don't wear the wrong glasses.
If your sport involves a ball, puck, bat, stick or any flying object, your eyes are at risk, says Mayo Clinic. Wear ASTM F803-approved protective eyewear to prevent injuries, they further advise.
Too much or too little light can strain your eyes. When watching television, dimming the lights will reduce strain and also adjust your screen light according to your requirement, says Healthline. For activities like reading, ensure light shines from behind you
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