Office Etiquette: What You Must NOT Do

Office culture relies on mutual respect, decorum, and clear boundaries. By avoiding certain types of behaviour, you can help create a harmonious and productive workspace where everyone enjoys their work.

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Maintain Healthy Relationship In Office

To have friendly relationships at work can be great, but having personal or close friends can hinder your work.  It can lead to office politics, gossips, favouritism. So, don't try and find 'best friends' among your colleagues.


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Maintain Professional Relationship With Your Boss

While being on good terms with your boss is advantageous, it's important to maintain professional boundaries. Avoid getting close and peronal with your boss. 

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Fewer Private Phone Conversations

Don't talk loudly and avoid disrupting others while on personal phone calls. For longer or more sensitive private discussions, try moving to a private area like a meeting room or a break room.

Pic: Canva

Low Ringtones, Please

A loud ringtone can be annoying and distracting for colleagues who are trying to focus on their work. Keep your phone on silent or vibrate mode. 

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Respect Colleagues' Privacy: Don't Snoop!

Don't peep at colleagues' computer screens, emails, or documents without permission. This violation of privacy can break trust and violate workplace ethics. Instead, ask directly for the information you might need.

Pic: Canva

It Must Be A Respectful Workplace

Don't tell jokes that have sexual overtones. Such humour can be offensive, inappropriate, and can lead to harassment complaints.

Pic: Canva

Don’t Comment On People’s Sense of Dressing

Offices often have dress codes, but commenting on a colleague’s attire, whether positive or negative, can be uncomfortable or intrusive.  Avoid it.

Pic: Canva

Keep Boasting To The Minimum

Don't try and seek unnecessary attention by constantly talking about your achievements. Let your work and team contribution speak for you. 

Pic: Canva

6 Surprising Foods That Cause Glucose Spikes

Don't Just Drink Coffee. Use As A Scrub