Office Etiquette: How To Make An Impression

Want to make great impact at work? Then you need to know the right ways of communicating and carrying yourself.

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Respond To Emails Promptly And Correctly

Don't let emails linger in your box. Respond quickly and in the correct format. No sentences in full caps; politely and respectfully written emails.

Pic: Canva

The Right Attire

Your clothes reflect how seriously you take your job and workplace. They should be neither too fancy nor too sloppy. They message who you are. 

Pic: Canva

Inform Your Boss About Absences

If you have a problem that may force you to stay away from work, keep your boss in the loop. Don't disappear AWOL or without notification.

Pic: Canva

Acknowledge Colleagues' Successes

Do congratulate all colleagues on their achievements even if you do not get along with them.

Pic: Canva

Meetings Require Participation

Don't be looking at your phone in a meeting and make sure your voice is heard and you participate fully.

Pic: Canva

Keep Your Space Clean And Tidy

A clutter-free desk helps improve focus, reduces stress, and gives an indication of your work habits and will result in better productivity.

Pic: Canva

Office Mood

Smile often. Look positive, efficient and cheerful. An upbeat mood always make a good impression.

Pic: Canva

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