Not Losing Weight? 8 Reasons Why

Every year, losing weight tops the list of New Year resolutions. How many succeed? Here are some critical reasons why you fail.

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Healthline says, every gram of sugar contains approximately 4 calories. Whether you're using granulated sugar or drizzling maple syrup, sugars are digested quickly. The calories accumulate rapidly, which might lead to an increase in your overall caloric intake. This, in turn, could contribute to weight gain over time.


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Not Drinking Enough Water

Staying consistently hydrated can help regulate your appetite and prevent binge eating, according to WebMD. Drinking water can assist in calorie control and contribute to weight loss efforts.




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Baked Goods

Medical News Today states, 'Baked foods, such as cookies, pastries, and many premade desserts, are often very high in added sugars, including fructose'. Fructose may not allow you to feel full and make you eat more. 'Many baked foods also contain trans fats', that 'may increase the risk of obesity'.


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Alcohol packs a significant caloric punch -- 7 calories per gm, states the HSE. The only substance that surpasses it in calories is pure fat, at 9 calories a gm. For each gm alcohol consumed, you're actually ingesting nearly twice the calories compared to what you'd get from protein or carbohydrates.


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No Exercise

Skipping exercise will not help in your weight loss journey. Regular exercise like aerobic exercise, resistance training, weightlifting will help you lose weight, says Healthline.

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Binge Eating

According to Harvard Health: Mindful eating can effectively address problematic behaviour like emotional eating and binge eating, which may contribute to weight gain and obesity.

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Low Protein Intake

Including less protein-rich foods in your diet may bring your weight loss efforts to a standstill. Eating a sufficient amount of protein is key, says Healthline.

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Processed And Junk Foods

Many processed foods are full of salt, fat, sugar, to have them taste better, look tempting, last longer on the shelves, says WebMD. You end up eating more processed foods that are poor quality. Cooking foods fresh at home with wholesome ingredients is important.

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