Green tea are the leaves of Camellia sinensis bush. Packed with antioxidants and beneficial polyphenols, drinking several cups daily reduces your chance of getting life-threatening diseases. Read on.
According to the American Heart Association, those who drink more than seven cups of green tea daily may lower the risk of death, from any cause, by 62 per cent. So, go ahead and savour that cup and live longer.
Green tea is both anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant. These propertiies, in addition to to its anti-microbial nature, can lead to healthier, more radiant skin. While more studies are needed, incorporating green tea-infused products into your skincare routine could help to glow your skin, states WebMD.
Green tea's catechins, like epigallocatechin gallate, as well as its caffeine may work together to aid in weight reduction for people with obesity. Include several cups in your daily routine, suggests Medical News Today.
The L-theanine and EGCG of green tea is good for brain health. People who have green tea daily have noticed a reduction in memory loss and better concentration by 64 per cent, and it also lowers the risk of cognitive decline, states Cleveland Clinic.
Harvard Health says, 'Researchers determined that tea drinkers are less likely over time to develop diabetes, compared with people who drink less tea. That makes sense, in light of research showing that (their) polyphenols help regulate blood sugar'.
According to Cleveland Clinic, chronic stress can have terrible consequences on blood pressure, mood, sleep, and overall quality of life. Fortunately, green tea's unique blend of L-theanine and caffeine offers a natural medicine for finding calm and clarity in a busy world.
The rich amount of EGCG and other polyphenols in green tea may help people suffering from osteoporosis. It strengthens the bones by improving bone density and reduces bone loss as you age, states Cleveland Clinic.
Green tea's natural fluoride content may keep tooth decay at bay, promoting healthier teeth and gums, states Harvard Health.
Green tea consumption may help reduce heart disease risk factors like lowering blood pressure, improving lipid profiles because of its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. More research is required, but nonetheless, incorporating green tea into your lifestyle may be a heart-healthy habit worth exploring, says Healthline.