In an online chat with readers on April 1, Chander Madan, CEO of eAge Software Services addressed reader queries on how to improve English language skills, both spoken and written.
For those who missed the live chat, here's the unedited transcript:
Chander Madan says, Hello Everyone !
Monojit asked, How much time are expend to learn spoken
Chander Madan answers, at 2013-04-01 15:54:58Hi Manojit, I think you need to spend at least 3-4 months to learn basis English depending on your level. However , it is important to practice everyday with a friend or relative to get better at English!
balaRockin asked, How do I know if my english is good enough?
Chander Madan answers, I suggest you take a test on any of the online learning sites or visit an English Institute in your area to take a test.
english asked, which books should i read to improve my english
Chander Madan answers, Hi, I strongly believe you need to practice with your friends or a tutor . Listen to English news, English songs if you can. More importantly, practice with a teacher or a friend.
naveen asked, how can i improve the english language
Chander Madan answers, Hi Naveen, Try to follow these tips: - Listen to English news - read English papers - Read Blogs online - Search for internet sites that can help you practice - Practice talking to someone everyday!
tarun123 asked, sir i always hesitate while speaking in english please suggest how can i over come from this situation please suggest any book which can help to improve english
Chander Madan answers, Hi Tarun, More than a book , You need someone to practice English. Try to look for an English tutor online or an Insitute in your area to practice. some of the other things you can do are: Read Newspaper Listen to English news Listen to Cricket commentary in english
rer asked, I always try to speak the essence of my regional language(with idioms, proverbs). But as i dont know the equivalent words or vocabulary I miss the meaning. what to do?
Chander Madan answers, Hi, The key is start thinking in English, instead of your mother tounge. You need to start to practice english communication everyday. There are fair bit of options available on internet or course on the phone , in case you dont have a tutor available in your area. All the best!
rer asked, could you please suggest any specific online options?
Chander Madan answers, Hi , There are plenty of Online options available. You can try to search "How to Improve English by learning Online" on google and you will find quite a few options. There are few companies I can think of are : BBC English English leap
alia asked, Hi, I think i am fluent in english but still sometime stuck to find right words. how can i get better
Chander Madan answers, Hi Alia, You need to practice Englis everyday to get proficient. It is important to get the right environment. You can either practice English with a colleague (if you are working) or with a friend ...alternatively you can join any online Communication classes where you can talk to a tutor and other classmates everyday!
chat asked, How do I Improve my English
Chander Madan answers, Here are some ways you can look at : - Listen to English News - Read English Newspaper - Join an online course - Practice English with someone everyday... The last point is most important!
BADIBAHOORANI asked, Sri hw to improve my english
Chander Madan answers, Here are some ways you can look at : - Listen to English News - Read English Newspaper - Join an online course - Practice English with someone everyday... The last point is most importan
BADIBAHOORANI asked, Sir i bougth rapidx english book
Chander Madan answers, Rapidex book is good start but need to practice English everyday. You can look at some a tutor available on the internet and practice with them everyday!
dsds asked, I speak English fluently and have large and good words vocabulary but when I listen person speaking English I can not understand , what should I do?
Chander Madan answers, You should listen to news on BBC and CNN and watch English movies with subtitles. you can also listen to some of your youtube videos in English to help improve your listening skills.
kumar asked, how to learn phoenotics by oneself
Chander Madan answers, Hi Kumar, Try to listen to English news, Also check pronunciation of various words through online dictionary.
ganesh asked, Sir How can I improve my english speaking?
Chander Madan answers, Here are some ways you can look at : - Listen to English News - Read English Newspaper - Join an online course - Practice English with someone everyday... The last point is most important.
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'If you want to learn English, don't learn grammar'
BADIBAHOORANI asked, Sir, how can i make friends who speak very good english. I want to mix with them but they always ignore me. but one day my day will come surely.
Chander Madan answers, I am sure.. You need to ensure you can speak better than them.... Practice , everyday with an English tutor. All the best!
chandokraj asked, i am comfortable while writing or listening but is hesitant to speak fluently & try to communicate in Hindi. Vacoblary is also good but the fear of loss of words at the appropriate time makes me uncomfortable
Chander Madan answers, Hi Chandokraj, I suggest you join an online course to just practice communication skills. Practice to speak and "start thinking in English " are very important. Practice can only help you improve
gdf asked, Hi how to improve pronounciation of words?
Chander Madan answers, Please go to and you can find the right pronunciation of words. You should also listen to English news, Watch English movies and also practice with a tutor/ There are number of sites available online in case you dont find a good tutor near your home.
rahul asked, sir, i can write english and even can speak... but problem come when i talk with teacher, professor or during interview... i fell nervous while talking with the people who can speak english fluently.. where i m not able to speak fluently like other... i need to think while talking with the people " what to say " " how to say"... want to improve my speaking quality as well want to improve my vocabulary... plz guide me..
Chander Madan answers, Practice with a friend or relative everyday for 45 minutes for at least six months.. Alternatively, you can search for an English communication class where you can learn to communicate online .
jpril asked, Chander Madan, How to improve the writing skills?
Chander Madan answers, Read lot of books, blog and practice writing . Once you have written something, please have a teacher provide you feedback.
KKishore asked, Hi, Could you recommend any good books and online sites to improve english speaking?
Chander Madan answers, You can try : 1, BBC Online 2. 3.
Dipak asked, Does Regular reading of English newspaper helps to improve English?
Chander Madan answers, This is certainly one of the things you can do to improve your vocabulary .....Please make sure you find the words you dont understand and look for meaning of those words in a dictionary... If you would like to improve spoken English, you need to practice english with someone everyday.
maverick asked, I have a strong command over my words, pronounciation is good but i usually make grammatical mistakes while speaking. I read books,newspapers but the problem still persist. Please tell me how to improve.
Chander Madan answers, You need to practice talking to someone every day. This will be the best way. You can join an online course. Search for "How to improve english with online tutor" on google and you will get few sites you can refer to
Arvind asked, hi, is it useful to join speaking courses??
Chander Madan answers, Hi Arvind, The courses that focus on communication aspect are very good to join. I will not recommend courses that only focus on grammar as those are waste of time..So join a course that does communication practice more than 50% of time.
raghammudi asked, Hi, How to improve - "Think in English", I heard this many times, in-order to improve your vacoblary, you need to 'think in english'. How to improve this? Thank you.
Chander Madan answers, Hi, I know it is little tough but not impossible to do....You need to practice English with a teacher or tutor everyday..Go to an Institute nearby your area or if you can't find one...please join an Online course. There are plenty of options available. Make sure you join the one that focuses on communication. All the best!
gopalakrishnan asked, tell me the best way to improve the communication
Chander Madan answers, Practice, practice talking with someone every day!
khan asked, i am unable to frame proper sentence i dont have continuity in my speech how to improve my communication skill kindly help me in improving my speech guide me in building my sentences and vocabulary
Chander Madan answers, For Vocabulary building: - read a lot of newpapers, blogs and also books - For improving communication skills join an online tutoring for Spoken English program and you will see a difference very quickly.
Gaikwad asked, I observed that nearly all the English speaking classes focus on the learning English grammar, how much it is required for spoken english?
Chander Madan answers, Very Little.....DONT LEARN GRAMMAR if you want to improve English... You need to practice Spoken English and grammar will be corrected automatically. It is the way we speak in our mother one teaches us the mother tounge but we speak it well.. Try to practice speaking with someone every day. If you cant find anyone , join an online course.
Gopal asked, Hi Sir, I wanna appear for IELTS for immig purpose, Which book would you suggest for the same? also any tips for it! please.
Chander Madan answers, You can either try a book by Cengage learning or from British council. Also, you can join an online course to improve IELTS score. Search for Online IELTS tutor online and you will find a site that can provide you help.
swetha asked, how to speak english to US guys..
Chander Madan answers, Just speak normal English...Dont try to copy their accent because you will not be able to.
arvind kumar asked, Although i have basic command over english i am planning to go for GMAT so from where to start specially for the GMAT.
Chander Madan answers, Hi Arvind, There are books on GMAT...Baron's book is a good example. Also, you can try this site
rohit asked, Could you please suggest some very good English grammar books available in the Indian market for my 10 year old son.
Chander Madan answers, Wren and Martin's grammar book is good for your son
gopalakrishnan asked, suggest some good online sites so that everyone benefited
Chander Madan answers, You can try : British council site
Sam asked, how to improve my accent like native english
Chander Madan answers, Practice, practice English conversation with a friend, relative or an online English tutor.
pramesh asked, Hi, there is any online courses for to Develop the English in writing & Speaking
Chander Madan answers, Yes, you can try : British council site BBC
pramesh asked, And one more thing Sir, Will you suggest me a good book for develop my writing & Speaking. and which will be available in All the book stall
Chander Madan answers, Parmesh, for speaking you need to practice speaking with a teacher everyday at least for six months. If you dont find one near your area, you can register for an online Spoken english course.
bv asked, how to improve enlish grammer?
Chander Madan answers, Read newspapers, books..blogs
DT asked, What is the best way to improve vocabulary for my son who is in 6th grade
Chander Madan answers, Please ask him to read English story books.. Comics Read paper if he can Listen to English news
pavan asked, Hi, My English is reasonably alright. So the question here is not so much about improving my language but more about keeping it intact! This is the issue – I have a lot of people around me who speak incorrect English. My subconscious gets easily influenced and I start making those mistakes i.e. the mistakes which others around me make day in and day out (Example: Did you 'got' your lunch box today!)
Chander Madan answers, I can understand how you feel. You need to keep practicing with an online tutor as you might be busy to go to an Institute. You can practice everyday with a tutor from home using internet or phone.. You can search for Online english tutor on google and find the right site.
nishant asked, i was not good student at school and collage now i am working professionals. i can speak English but not like others in my company. i am reading English new paper and listening English new also but improvement is not as expected. i do lot of spellings mistake pls advice
Chander Madan answers, Please join an online english course to improve English. You can try ,
Amol asked, Which English class is good as per you?
Chander Madan answers, It depends where you stay Amol: 1. you can British council 2. You can also join Inlingua if both these are not available, try to join an online english tutoring site. 1. BBC English 2.Livemocha 3.
amir asked, which english exam is easier TOFEL or IELTS.
Chander Madan answers, Both or equal you need to take where you are going
Queen asked, What a child studying in std. 2 should do to learn and speak english ?
Chander Madan answers, read lots of story books in English and watch English cartoons
umed asked, hi, what are methods to improve MTI in english speaking.
Chander Madan answers, There are course in voice and Accent training that you can take up.
srii asked, How to avoid stage fear and during Interview time?
Chander Madan answers, Practice your interview with a friend, colleauge or in front of the camera.. Practice some usual questions or seeks help from a teacher or online tutor
sangita asked, my grammer is so pure.when i tried to speak english, there are so many mistakes which i lose my confidence.i do not remember proper word when i speak with anybody.
Chander Madan answers, Hi Sangita, you need to practice English everyday with a colleague or friend. Alternatively you can join an online English tutor.. it will help you think in English!
Perumal asked, Hi everybody, I just struck with the words at the time of speaking, how can I improve?
Chander Madan answers, You need to start to practice with a teacher or online tutor everyday to improve english ...this will help you think in english asked, Hi, My mother tongue is Kannada, i have the following problem. If I am talking to some in English, and if I come to know that they speak in Kannada also, I will start making mistakes English, please suggest.
Chander Madan answers, The key is to keep speaking in English even if you know that the person understands your mothertongue.. Practices speaking everyday for 45 min
Perumal asked, Hi everybody, I just struck with the words at the time of speaking, how can I improve?
Chander Madan answers, practice everyday with an online English tutor..You can do this from your home!
vikasharma asked, Are there any Good apps available to imporve your spoken english ? Are there any Good apps available to imporve your spoken english ? Are there any Good apps available to imporve your spoken english ?
Chander Madan answers, Try SpeakingPal . You can also try some online Spoken English sites. Try to search for "How to improve english by learning online" on google and you will find some good sites.
SUJIT asked, Is conversational english among colleagues at office premises enough for building fluency in english?
Chander Madan answers, This will certainly help Sujit..In addition you can practice with a tutor everyday ...There are lot of options available on Internet and on phone.
rah asked, My communication is good in terms of speaking and listening, how to improve english writing ?
Chander Madan answers, Hi Rah, Read newspapers, books, blogs and you should be fine. asked, i have recently give exam of Ielts i score 5.5 bends i want 6.5 can anyone help me which book i read and score 6.5 ?
Chander Madan answers, Hi Sachin, you can try to join an Online IelTS english course to help you.... while books are good to practice a live tutor online can be of great help
yeshwant asked, sir kindly let me know the tips about how i improve my communications?
Chander Madan answers, Dear Yeshwant, you need to practice everyday : You can join an interactive online English speaking course that can help you improve
yeshwant asked, sir kindly let me know the tips about how i improve my communications?
Chander Madan answers, practice speaking with a friend, colleague or a teacher every day. Try online options if there is no Institute in your area
shamim asked, hi my fluency is good but lacks the grammer & strong vocabulary pls help
Chander Madan answers, Read, read , read... Books, Magazines, Articles, Newspaper
OU asked, sir,how i can speak english easyly
Chander Madan answers, practice speaking with a friend, colleague or a teacher every day. Try online options if there is no Institute in your area
yeshwant asked, what time? coz i am working
Chander Madan answers, The online course are available either early morning or late evening so it is perfect for you. try
MDG asked, I often see my friend using words which otherwise has other meaning for e.g. where you are put (where you stay). How I can improve on these
Chander Madan answers, Practice by joining an online spoken enlgish course. Read a lot of books
shamim asked, i do read books magzines and e-articles but some how i miss the correct words at the time of delivery
Chander Madan answers, You need to then practice speaking English everyday..with a friend, tutor or an online tutor
sachin kadam asked, when i speak with the boss it take more to remember the words
Chander Madan answers, practice speaking with a friend, colleague or a teacher every day. Try online options if there is no Institute in your area
Satpal asked, How much approximately online tutor charge? It's monthly basis or a lumpsum amount.
Chander Madan answers, Hi Satpal, For an online course the fee ranges between 4500 to 5000 for three months. Usuually they provide one hour practice everyday Monday to Friday.
MAHESH GHOSALKAR asked, How to develop verbal commnication PLZ.suggest any book
Chander Madan answers, practice speaking with a friend, colleague or a teacher every day. Try online options if there is no Institute in your area
himmatwala asked, SirMadam please help me because the girl is speak very good english but because of the poor english I cannot get her very easily how to capture her easily with your course.
Chander Madan answers, practice speaking with a friend, colleague or a teacher every day. Try online options if there is no Institute in your area
Chandra asked, how can I improve my pronunciation/accent better?
Chander Madan answers, practice speaking with a friend, colleague or a teacher every day. Try online options if there is no Institute in your area . Also, you can look for pronunciation of different words on
siddhu asked, please give the tips for childrans who is studying marathi medium thanks
Chander Madan answers, Read English comics, story books
yogesh asked, Any otherways sir????
Chander Madan answers, You can go to an institute in your area and they will assess your spoken english skills.
sunildotgarg asked, any free institute or site to learn/improve english communication
Chander Madan answers, There are lot of tips available online... You can also join eAgespoken English facebook page for daily tips
MAHESH GHOSALKAR asked, I read the English paper daily still having problem ? what should i do exactly?
Chander Madan answers, Practice talking to someone everyday.
Chander Madan says, Thanks everyone, it was a pleasure interacting with you. All the best!
