8 Tips For The Most Passionate Sex

If you improve your emotional connection, it will up the passion in bed, many, many notches and vice versa.

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Communicate Openly With Your Partner

Share your feelings about sex openly with your partner, your likes and dislikes. When you both feel comfortable sharing your desires, it can make things a lot more joyful and satisfying, suggests American Psychological Association.

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DON'T Skip Foreplay

Foreplay is best way to get both of you hungry for sex and get a mood going! Be romantic, be adventurous and touch each other in new ways. Keep changing your locations for sex --another bed, a sofa, the bathroom, your car etc. Switching it up make things exciting and enhances the experience, says WebMD.

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Focus On Your Emotional Connection

Sex isn’t only about physical touch but rather physical affection. It's a manifestation of emotional closeness. When you feel deeply connected and comfortable with your partner, sex can be explosive, says Harvard Health.

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Fifty Shades Of Fun

Newfangled positions. Touching practice. Sex toys. Fantasies. Role play. Zany music. Costumes. Dirty movies. You gotta constanly pep things up. And reignite the spark. Variety is the only way, according to the American Sexual Health Association.

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Stay In The Present. Focus

Phones off. Laptops, tablets far away, No aimless extraneous chitter chatter about what the children didn't do or the boss did. Focus on the erotic moment, so it is intense and meaningful, offers Psychology Today.

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Get Active

Sex requires prowess. And gymnastic abilities sometimes when you want it to be hot hot hot. Exercise can make a huge difference in your sexual life too! Staying fit increases energy levels, better blood circulation, and confidence. The more fit, the better the sex, states WebMD.

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Good Mental Health

Stress, anxiety, or feeling down can affect your libido. Taking steps to manage your mental health, whether that’s through relaxation techniques or talking to someone, can make a big difference to your sex life, reports the American Psychological Association.

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Eat Well

What you eat matters! A healthy diet works on energy levels which matters to libido. Eat foods like nuts, seeds, and fish which boost sexual health, suggests WebMD.

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