Avoid first date disasters! Keep these questions handy. Tips too on what questions to stay away from, so you can sail smoothly into a second date.
Don't launch into philosophy or literature! No questions on whether he or she likes Proust or Spinoza. Talk about your interests so you can get to know one another. How about: 'What do you like to do in your free time?'
Questions about their tastes in art may be too high falutin'. Open the conversation with a chat about movies, books, televison shows. And music. How about: 'What's your all-time favourite film?'
Discuss travel experiences. Discover mutual dream destinations. It’s an easy way to bond. Not queries on how much they spent on a holiday. Instead, how about: 'Where did you go for your most memorable vacation?'
Let the conversation flow naturally and smoothly without jumping into awkward topics like 'Why don't you have a fitness routine?' or 'How many steps do you do in a day?' Simple conversation is best about food, restaurants, hobbies etc. How about: 'Is there something you've always wanted to try?'
Discussions on politics and religion -- 'Do you believe in god?' -- can get more than a little intense. Opinions differ. Arguments may lead to conflict and a bad date. Instead, how about: 'What kind of news do you follow?'
Focus on the present and building a new relationship if it turns out feasible. Never ask 'How come you are single?' or 'Why did your previous relationship end?' Instead, how about: 'What are you looking for in a partner'.
Be chary of asking money-related or life goal questions. Too personal, too soon. Your conversation may get uncomfortable and rather serious. Keep it chill! How about: 'What's on your bucket list?'
First dates are not the time for vomiting out the details on deep personal issues or family problems or enquiring if they get along with their siblings. How about: 'What was special about your childhood?
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