The golden, viscous liquid has golden health benefits too. Read on!
Honey, that has not been over-processed, has plenty of flavonoids and phenolic acids, which are antioxidants taking care of the free radicals in your body and staving off cardiac disease, diabetes, aging and more, says Healthline. Darker honey has more antioxidants.
To prevent a buildup towards diabetes opt to swap sugar with honey at every turn suggests Mayo Clinic. Though not that much better than sugar it has antioxidants that prevent diabetes.
Said to lower blood pressure, it can eventually prevent the onset of heart disease, states Healthline. Studies are on to establish this more convincingly.
Honey is known to be a cough supressant, says Mayo Clinic.
There is some indication that honey works on reducing cholesterol, states WebMD. When people consumed 70 gm of honey daily their bad cholestrol (LDL) reduced and the good cholesterol (HDL) increased, as per certain studies.
Because of its antioxidants, when applied to injuries or burns it serves as a salve, according to WebMD.
Mayo Clinic alerts us to the fact that much information is slowly trickling in about the capacity of honey to help with anxiety, depression and memory issues.