Did you know certain foods can worsen thyroid problems or hamper thyroid treatment?
"Some studies show that if you eat a lot of soy, or drink a big glass of soy milk just before or after taking a thyroid hormone medication, the soy could affect the absorption of that medicine,” say doctors at Cleveland Clinic. Avoid soy for a few hours before and after taking your medication, they suggest.
While iodine is crucial for thyroid health, excessive intake can worsen hypothyroidism. Foods high in iodine, like seaweed and iodised salt, should be consumed in moderation, states Mayo Clinic.
While fibre is important for overall health, consuming high-fibre foods too close to taking thyroid medication can hinder its absorption. It’s recommended to space out the intake of these foods from your medication timing, according to Mayo Clinic.
People with hyperthyroidism should avoid drinks containing caffeine, like tea, coffee, energy drinks etc, says Medical News Today.
People with hypothyroidism should avoid cruciferous vegetables, especially when raw, like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, states Cleveland Clinic. They should be eaten in moderation and cooked because that decreases the goitrogenic porperties of these vegetables.
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