5 Extremely Imp Reasons To Drink A Lot Of Water Daily

People often neglect to drink water, opting instead for sugary drinks or tea and coffee. But you cannot replace water. 

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Oral Health

Water keeps your mouth clean and reduces tooth decay. Saliva present in the mouth aids in the digestion of food and importantly keeps your nose, eyes, mouth moist all time, says Medical News Today.

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Weight Loss

According to WebMD, staying hydrated all time, keeps you full and STOPS you from binge eating. Water helps to control calories and results in weight loss.

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Improved Brain Performance

'Even mild dehydration -- as little as 2 per cent fluid loss -- can affect memory, mood, concentration, and reaction time. Adding just a few glasses of water to your daily intake can have a positive effect on cognition, stabilise your emotions, and even combat feelings of anxiety,” says the US National Council Of Aging


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Prevents Constipation

Drink enough water to stay healthy and infection-free. Water flushes out bacteria from your bladder. It assists in the absorption of nutrients, making digestion smoother and more efficient. It promotes regular bowel movements, prevents constipation, states Harvard Medical School.

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Relieves Headaches

'Drinking water may help reduce headaches and headache symptoms. However, more high-quality research is needed to confirm this potential benefit', says Healthline.

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