We Indians have a whole dictionary of our own quaint, cute expressions or Indianisms that are not used anywhere else in the wide world, because we are like that only. Do you know them?
Illustrations: Dominic Xavier/Rediff.com
An off-colour or dirty joke, not meant for delicate ears.
Making a serious promise in your mother’s name.
A literal translation of ‘Aapka shubh naam?’
A person with several criminal offences against his or her name, derived from charge sheet and someone who has many of them.
We like to chitthi daalo and so we drop emails too!
Nothing frightening to do with going unconscious. It means you have graduated.
To depart from the rear of a building/house. And not about your bum.
A complex one, it means he has turned 15 and is now working towards his 16th birthday, apparently swiftly.
At least we know he isn’t returning forward.
Literal translation of ‘Mera sir mat khao!’
Anyone who has shed a few pounds now tragically looks pulled down.
Nothing to do with latest television headlines or news tweets, but probably some old auntie is enquiring if you have a bun in the oven ie are pregnant.
No, he doesn’t squat on his chair normally, just that jagah par nahin hai.
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