Reduce your stress levels with this bunch of practical medical tips that will allow you to relax, unwind, and bring more balance to your life.
Feeling stressed? Just step out into the embrace of nature and take in a breath of fresh air. According to the American Psychological Association, spending time with nature or even watching nature videos can really boost your mood and ease stress.
We all talk to ourselves, don’t we? Always tell yourself positive things, like 'I can do this', suggests the American Heart Association. It’s like giving yourself a little pep talk.
Laughter really is great for health. It lowers stress hormones and simply makes you feel happy and good about yourself. Watch funny films or crack a bunch jokes to bring a smile to your face, offers Harvard Health.
We all know this one, but it’s so important -- getting good sleep is one of the keys to managing stress. When you're well rested, you can tackle the day with more energy and calm, reports Cleveland Clinic.
Always do things which you enjoy! Whether it’s reading, knitting, or playing a game, doing something fun -- even for a mere 15 minutes in a day -- can help relieve stress, says WebMD.
Isha Foundation recommends breathing exercises to decrease stress and also calm your mind. Just breathe in and out and let it all go.
Being around people who care about you makes everything better. Whether it’s family, friends, or even a social group, having support can eliminate much stress and make you feel more relaxed, states Healthline.
Enhance your mood by listening to some of your favourite songs or tunes and let the stress fade away, advises Healthline.
Exercise is a fantastic way to relieve stress. Whether it’s a walk, a run, swimming or dancing in your living room, getting active releases feel-good endorphins, states Medical News Today.
Plan little chunks of time away from your hectic life for self-care and to focus on the present. Go on a solo trip. It will push away stress and refresh your mind, suggests Right As Rain, a UW Medicine wellness publication.