10 Of The Top Probiotic Foods

Yeasts and good bacteria, that are excellent for your gut, are probiotics. These good guy microbes keep your system healthy and root out the bad bacteria. 


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Traditional Buttermilk

Did you know that traditional buttermilk is made from the leftover liquid after churning butter? This natural, sophisticated probiotic drink helps to 'create a healthy gut microbiome (community)', according to Mayo Clinic.

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Yoghurt is a superfood made super by its friendly gut bacteria like Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium animalis that ferments the milk. This magical process creates nutrient-rich dahi that's great for the digestive system, states Healthline.

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A fermented milk drink, made frorm kefir grains that can be easily purchased online, it contains a maximum range of probiotic bacteria and yeast that is ideal for the health of your gut, reports Harvard Health.


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We Indians aren't familiar with sauerkraut. Easy to make, a relish a bit like kimchi, it simply involves storing salted, sliced cabbage in a bottle in your fridge to ferment. Containing lactic acid bacteria, fibre, vitamins C and K, antioxidants it stimulates gut health, according to WebMD.

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A traditional Korean dish made from cabbage and radish, it is enriched by probiotic benefits. Associated with good digestive health, kimchi contributes to immune system support, states Healthline.

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Soybeans are saccharified (broken down) with the help bacteria Aspergillus oryzae to create a richly, flavourful probiotic paste that improves digestion processes, says Healthline.

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Tempeh cake, made from fermented soybean is one of the best sources of probiotics and plant protein etc. Good for your GI tract, it also prevents constipation, reports ScienceDirect. Tofu has similar goodness.

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The now ever-popular kombucha, fermented black tea, is created when a culture of yeast and bacteria works on tea and sugar. Overflowing with those wee good microbes, like other probiotics, it works its magic on the gut, says Cleveland Clinic.

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Naturally-made pickles --fermenting cucumbers in brine, mango, mixed vegetables -- are a good source of Lactobacillus bacteria, which can aid digestion and keep the gut in good shape, states WebMD.

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Only certain cheeses are high in probiotics -- mozzarella, cheddar, cottage cheese. Eaten in moderation, these cheeses are a source of protein and their probiotics promote digestive and heart health and even reduce depression, says Healthline.

Pic: Kind courtesy J.P.LonIndianspy007/Wikimedia Commons

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