We bring you the best of India's photographs from readers.
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Abdul Majeed captured the misty mountains of Malakkapara in Kerala.
A landscape somewhere in Jharkhand, Anisha Sarkar captioned this photograph.
Amar Sarmah sent us this image from Bhalukpong in Assam.
Another postcard from Malakkappara by Abdul Majeed.
Amar Sarmah shared another breathtaking image of Bhalukpong.
Palanki Narayana's photograph of the setting sun is a perfect way to wind up your holiday.
Follow this link to post the best of your #India-Photos and we will publish them right here on Rediff.com!
You can see all the published photographs here!
Disclaimer: The photographs featured in this series are, to the best of our knowledge, original entries submitted by readers.
Rediff.com does not assume any responsibility for their originality.