Students from St Andrews University in Scotland are covered in foam as they take part in the traditional Raisin Weekend on October 18, 2021.
Freshers/juniors take part in a shaving foam fight with senior students as a gesture of thanking them for mentoring.
Please click on the images for a better look at the fun... and foam...

IMAGE: A student enjoys the foam fight to the fullest. All Photographs: Russell Cheyne/Reuters

IMAGE: Amidst the foamy chaos, students are busy kissing each other.

IMAGE: A student sprays the foam.

IMAGE: Students covered in foam hug each other.

IMAGE: Fun is in the foam.

IMAGE: Is this new hair style, inspired from the swordfish?

IMAGE: A picture perfect group foamy shot.

IMAGE: Red goes well with the white foam.

IMAGE: The battle is on.

IMAGE: Even the crowned princess is not spared.
Photographs curated by Manisha Kotian/
Feature Presentation: Ashish Narsale/