We all love a good WhatsApp group chat, but sometimes they can quickly turn into a chaotic mess. Some dos and don'ts.
We get it, everyone has opinions. But guess what? Your group chat is NOT the place for world-changing debates. Never political or religious arguments. In a group, the only argument you should have is about your movies or books or traffic and such like.
We’ve all been there. Someone suddenly drops a 'Buy my stuff' message in the group. Ugh, stop right there! There are other platforms for that (and no, your group chat is not one of them). No one needs to hear about your multi-level marketing schemes or that amazing new skin cream you’re selling.
Group chats are for group discussions, not for one-on-one conversations that everyone has to read. If you need to ask someone about their weekend plans, DM them. For eg: You’re having a heated discussion about your favourite Amazon show and suddenly, someone sends a private message to another person. Awkward.
Not every group wants to know your wild, wacky sense of humour -- especially if you’re in a work-related group. Let’s avoid those jokes that make your mom cringe and aim for good, clean fun. Please keep it tame.
We’re happy to see you living your best life, but posting 100 vacay pics daily? Or 30 videos of Junior taking his first crawl? Not necessary! Save those extra, unnecessary shots for your personal collection.
Don’t please keep sending the URLs of different websites to lose weight in 10 min, or 'Click on this link to recharge your phone for 3 months' etc, with the cute tag, 'fwded as recd'. Please take one min to check on Google if authentic before forwarding.
One 'Good Morning' is good, but 20 in a row, daily, from all the participants, at 6 am is really annoying. Let everyone enjoy their morning tea.