Diet tips to tackle severe air quality

Your diet can play a crucial role in protecting your lungs and overall health. Here are some diet tips to help you tackle poor air quality.

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Stay hydrated

You should drink plenty of water to help the body purge the pollutants

Rube G./Pexels

Foods rich in antioxidants

Consume foods rich in antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E and beta-carotene, to offset oxidative stress

Kristina Paukshtite/Pexels

Fibre-rich foods

You can obtain fibre from fruits, vegetables and whole grains to eject toxins

Mikhail Nilov/Pexels

Vitamin D

It plays an important role in supporting the immune system and therefore, one should endeavour to have optimum levels of it.

Саша Алалыкин/Pexels


Then consider adding probiotics such as yogurt, kefir or even fermented foods which are beneficial to the gut


Healthy Fats

Include healthy fats such as avocado, nuts, and olive oil that support lung function

Lisa Fotios/Pexels

Cook at home

Resort to cooking at home using fresh ingredients in order to control the quality of your food


PNW Production/Pexels

Dietary changes may help but should be applied along with other measures aimed at severe air quality, like wearing a mask, staying indoors, etc

Quang Nguyen Vinh/Pexels

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