Dogs give us comfort and provide us space to forget our worries, lessen our stress and feel loved. There is no better human companion than a dog. You are never lonely when a dog is at your side. Let's outline how dogs improve your mental wellbeing and transform your life.
Dogs can be great stress relievers. Work is the main reason for stress and stress impacts health. Having pets at work reduces stress, makes employees happier, increases their productivity, reports American Heart Association.
A dog brings more physical activity -- walks, runs, treks, fresh air. That improves mood, sleep patterns and also your mental health, states Mayo Clinic. Apparently 60 per cent of dog owners meet their recommended exercise target, says UC Davis Medical Center.
According to the NIH, interacting with animals can decrease levels of stress hormone, cortisol and lower blood pressure. Interactions with pets keeps loneliness at bay, while increasing feelings of social support, boosting your mood. Much more so in those differently abled.
Dogs can be especially helpful for people with autism, ADHD, or dementia, giving comfort and taking away anxiety, they help with focus or memory recall, reports Those affected by seizures find comfort in having a seizure response dog around.
Pets can help one meet new people & make friends. states that pets can help us live mentally healthier lives by providing both comfort and motivation, which can lead to more social interactions.
Companion dogs are the perfect buddies -- they wake you up early, keep your exercise on track, and support your mental well being. Just having a dog around reduces blood pressure and the extra exercise reduces heart disease risks, says UC Davis Medical Center. And also helps people to age healthily.
According to US Department of Veterans Affairs, dogs aid in the reduction of symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in individuals who have experienced trauma. The love and companionship of dogs heals.
According to UC Davis Medical Center, happy dogs, who always think the world of their owners, while giving love take away dark thoughts, uplift spirits and can diminish depression.