7 Signs Of Iron Deficiency In Your Body

About 30 per cent of the world is iron deficient, according to the World Health Organisation. It is the most prevalent nutritional deficiency. Mild deficiency is not a cause for panic and can be quickly treated but it is critical to root out the cause, especially in children/babies, says Mayo Clinic.

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Pale Skin

Excessive paleness or a change in colour of the skin, including the inner eyelids, can indicate low haemoglobin levels, suggests Mayo Clinic.

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Fatigue And Weakness

Feeling unusually tired and weak is a prevalent symptom of iron deficiency due to the body's reduced capacity to transport oxygen to tissues, reports WebMD.

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Heart Palpitations

Heartbeat increases, also known as palpitations, can occur as the heart needs to work harder to supply oxygen, states Healthline.


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Loss Of Appetite

According to Mayo Clinic, strange food cravings for ice, dirt or starch, and loss of appetite, especially in infants and children, may be noticed.

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Shortness Of Breath

Experiencing breathlessness during routine activities arises from decreased oxygen delivery to muscles, highlights Cleveland Clinic.

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Sore Or Swollen Tongue

Individuals may experience a sore or swollen tongue as a symptom of iron-deficiency anemia, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine.

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Difficulty Concentrating

If while doing any kind of work, you are not be able to concentrate, and productivity decreases, iron deficiency may be the cause, says Medical News Today.

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