Have These Nuts And Dried Fruits Every Morning!

Include small quantities of nutritious nuts and dried fruit in your daily diet. It's a great way to start the day. 

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Rich in vitamin E, magnesium, almonds bring skin health, immunity and also support muscle, nerve function, suggests Mayo Clinic.

How To Eat: Eat raw or else soak overnight, which helps remove phytic acid for better digestion, or you can add to smoothies, breakfast cereals, or salads.

Daily Quantity: Small handful.

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Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants which support heart and brain health by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, states WebMD.

How To Eat: Eat raw or soak overnight, blend into smoothies, sprinkle on salads, desserts etc. 

Daily Quantity: 4-6 halves.

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Filled with antioxidants, blueberries may boost brain health, they reduce inflammation and lower blood pressure, reports Healthline.

How To Eat: Eat raw or sprinkle on your salads, or bowl of oatmeal or incorportae in a smoothie, yoghurt, oatmeal. 

Daily Quantity: ½ cup fresh or ¼ cup dried blueberries.

Pic: Canva


According to Healthline, prunes or dried plums are high in fibre, rich in antioxidants, which can solve constipation and aid digestion.

How To Eat: Eat as a snack, chew well for better digestion.

Daily Quantity: 3-4 prunes.

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Dates are high in the better natural sugars, which helps to provide instant energy. Its also rich in iron, which may support in production of red blood cell, says WebMD.

How To Eat: Eat as a snack or with nuts (for better blood sugar balance), blend into smoothies or make energy balls.

Daily Quantity: 2-3 dates.

Pic: Canva


High in fibre content, figs improve digestion and also keep you fuller for long time, helping with weight loss. It also contain calcium which strengthens the bone health, reports Healthline.

How To Eat: Eat fresh or dried according to your choice, can also use as a natural sweetener in baking. 

Daily Quantity: 2-3 dried figs.

Pic: Canva


According to Medical News Today, peanuts make for an excellent plant-based protein, supporting muscle growth and helping with weight management. 

How To Eat: Eat roasted or soak overnight and have with your breakfast as a smoothie, adding a little banana and honey for extra taste. 

Daily Quantity: 20-30 peanuts. 

Pic: Canva